Thanks for that tidbit of info MJ. I will probably take the plunge this weekend and run the update. My concern was the reports of reduced battery life, and force close issues, which would _really_ drive me through the roof. I received a Magic+ prior to 911 that had issues with battery life. Within a week Rogers replaced it for another with the 911 update pre-installed, shipped right from the factory. Battery life improved drastically with the new phone, especially with aggressive task manager settings.
I'm wondering if I should do a hard reset, wipe everything prior to running the update? It might avoid any conflicts after updating. I always like starting fresh anyway. I don't have that many apps installed so it wouldn't take much to reinstall everything. What do you suggest?
I'm wondering if I should do a hard reset, wipe everything prior to running the update? It might avoid any conflicts after updating. I always like starting fresh anyway. I don't have that many apps installed so it wouldn't take much to reinstall everything. What do you suggest?