So after many months of enduring the wait to have my Dream firmware upgrade, I discover it will never come! I originally bought the Dream for the full hard qwerty, and Rogers was touting the Dream as the second coming!
This phone has never been worthy of its name as it has been buggy from day one.
So, a few days ago I stumble on this forum and threads suggesting Rogers will 'swap out' our Dreams for the Magic.
Well, does the Magic have a hard qwerty???? NO!
So I contact my Rogers rep by phone last evening, to ask about this swap, and he informs me that "yes, they have been doing this for their Dream customers.." BUT...the offer is "on hold for a few weeks, while Rogers re-evaluates"

This is the news I get after spending HOURS yesterday getting my 'forced upgrade' to work, and now have a 'smart phone' with no internet access!
I'm 7 months into a 3 year journey that looks more like a nightmare!
I would suggest that Rogers take a hard look at whom they have in management making their decisions, as it appears they are the epitome of incompetence.
So, here I am, attempting to carry on with business and life, holding a weighty brick-like object that is more or less useless, while I await Rogers
next boneheaded decision!