I think what you are seeing is more common than throttling on the network and people mistake one for the other. As much as I've seen people try to deny network congestion it is a real thing and causes service issues for people. VZW has pretty much stopped doing anything more than maintanence on their 3G network and is only working on expanding 4G since it is the future.
Heathe1's story isn't about the phone plan but a mobile broadband plan so I am unsure if the same network optimization is in effect or if they officially throttle it after hitting a certian amount.
Per Verizon, my aircard plan is subject to "Network Optimization" just as 3G phones on unlimited data plans are, but has a higher threshold before Network Opt is applied, which explains 9 GB. I guess it's still a better deal than the 10gig for 80 plan. It's fine if I keep it under 9 GB, but if it hits that 9 gig limit (on my unlimited plan) It's completely useless for 2 months, since they throttle for not just the rest of the cycle, but through the NEXT billing cycle as well.
Throttling is absolutely necessary in densely populated areas, lacking adequate coverage. Or, they could throw up another tower or two if they see that an area is on overload. True, it takes time to get approval and actually construct the tower, and true, it takes money. I don't feel sorry for a company that turns billions in profit per quarter though. They have more than enough money to provide better capacity and coverage in the lacking areas. It's not time to give up on the EVDO network, as it will be around for many years to come.
So yes, throttling is necessary in some areas, but should only be used as a band-aid while they actually fix the underlying problem...then only throttle true abusers of the network (i.e. 150 GB month after month) as any robust network can handle 20-30 GB per user/per month w/ no problems. At the current 30/2 gb plan, they're making over 90% profit, not to say they shouldn't make money, they must to sustain and expand themselves, but how about not being so damn greedy, and not sticking it to people so bad?
I average under 1 GB on my phone a month, but when I am off work, on vacation, or occasionally just bored I use it a lot more. I've had 15-20 a month on my phone, I didn't cause the network any problems.
It's all about greed and money, there are network oversaturation issues in less than 20% of the areas Verizon Wireless serves, and they punish 100% of their older, loyal customers that have had Unlimited Data since before it was cool to have unlimited data.