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Root Verizon and your rooted phone.


Well-Known Member
If I was going to take my rooted phone into Verizon for something that doesn't involve fixing it would and they needed to see my phone would they notice and turn me away. Just wanted to know if that would happen.
What would you be taking it in for? If it doesn't involve fixing/warranties, they wouldn't need to look at it would they?
I don't have to do this my self but just saying if you needed to and for some reason they needed your phone would they turn you away because its rooted.
I rooted my friends phone for her and loaded a custom ROM, she took it into VZW to get her contacts transferred over from her old BB, they did it no problem
97 times out of 100 they wouldn't even notice.

Granted like all statistics, that one is made up. But its probably rather close.

Even if they did notice, doesn't mean they would do anything.

Now if you were asking for a warranty return, then that would end up an equine of a different hue.
if your worried maybe hide the super user app using LPP

if your themed then of course that will be a bit more obvious
i took my droid 1 in that was rooted to verizon to have my wifes contacts swapped over from her blitz phone that thought it could swim . needless to say the clerk just stared at the phone when it rebooted and it was cyan. she laughed and finished the swap without a word other than that looks nice.
I can't remember the reason I had to take it in, but they "fixed" whatever the prob was and gave it back to me. I'm rooted via the Visionary root and had the wireless tether app on my main screen, they didn't say (or apparently didn't see) it........
The VZW Rep I bought my DX from has a DX with RubiX ROM on it..


a good number of VZW reps have rooted phones. a lot of them are phone geeks just like us.

i borked my phone going to 2.3.320 (it corrupted my recovery partition), and i went to a VZW store to get a new one to replace it (i work at a regional corporate office), and one of the reps i talked to was already on 2.3.320.

but, to answer your question, no. what we do voids the warranty. that doesnt mean you arent entitled to help anymore. it just means you arent supposed to get a warranty replacement.

if any rep EVER refuses to help someone based on them having a rooted phone, PLEASE pm me. that'll get sorted out real quick.
The VZW Rep I bought my DX from has a DX with RubiX ROM on it..


When I first started looking at the dx to replace my iPhone, the rep I talked to had a droid phone and showed it to me. "Mine's hacked so it looks quite a bit different from the stock..."

I don't really think they care unless you screw something up by rooting it and it's obvious.
When I first started looking at the dx to replace my iPhone, the rep I talked to had a droid phone and showed it to me. "Mine's hacked so it looks quite a bit different from the stock..."

I don't really think they care unless you screw something up by rooting it and it's obvious.

the thing is, the ones that dont root wont notice, and the ones that do will normally be sympathetic.

honestly, how many stories has anyone heard of someone with a messed up phone being turned away because of root? i havent heard one.

although, i've talked to reps, and it does frustrate them when someone bricks their phone and brings it in for replacement, because there is usually something they could have done to fix it.
I TOLD the dude at the counter I was going to root mine when he was showing me the apps "you can't remove", I said "yet" with a smile, and he just grinned and kept going with his pitch.
I think if the phone is broken BECAUSE you rooted it they can turn you away, but if it works and you are just needing something done they have no reason to say no. If it was being returned they still would have no reason since they flash them back to factory stock anyways.
I would like to make a suggestion.

I noticed one of the posters on this thread stating that they rooted their friends phone. I think this is a bad idea, because what if the friends phone decides one day to act up and go into a boot loop, and or lose its recovery image? (By the way this has happened to me a few times.)

If you have a friend that wants their droid rooted show them where they can learn about rooting and let them do it themselves. If they don't learn how to root their phone, how can they possibly know what to do in the event of a malfunction? What will they do if they can't get to the friend that rooted the phone for them, they will try and return the phone to their service provider. Causing even more frustration for the carriers, hence increasing their desire to further lock down these devices.

Bottom line, there is a certain amount of responsibility to rooting your phone. You become your own warranty station if you brick your device. If there is a hardware problem with your phone its your responsibility to un-root the thing before sending it back.
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