Extreme Android User
So for the inverted gapps mod do you have to flash it right after the rom just like you would a regular gapps package? Or do you flash the inverted gapps mod only after you've flashed the regular provided gapps?
Also as I understand it after flashing inverted gapps you have to go back and flash gtalk2 and calendar2 separately?
Edit: what's that recommended file manager app for root users again?
The only mod I've flashed for aokp#21 is my home made battery

For the inverted mods you wouldn't flash them during a gapps flash, but rather afterwards. There are a few flashing caveats per his instructions if you're not comfortable using a file explorer
I use root explorer, but estrongs file explorer is free and does the same thing.
I'd follow travp624's install instructions to a "T"
Good luck and let us see a SS when you're done!