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Verizon steering people away from the Iphone.

Interesting. Of course this is only a short term problem, assuming Apple is not going to push out the next iPhone without LTE.
Here's the fact, as Android popularity rises that's going to make carriers happier than iPhone. Why? iPhone exerts too much cost and control on the carriers when Android, a perfectly capable platform costs much less and carriers can meddle with the devices all they like. As the iPhone keeps dropping in popularity, carriers are also going to try and push it out at the same time causing a double whammy effect unless Apple changes their tune.
Here's the fact, as Android popularity rises that's going to make carriers happier than iPhone. Why? iPhone exerts too much cost and control on the carriers when Android, a perfectly capable platform costs much less and carriers can meddle with the devices all they like. As the iPhone keeps dropping in popularity, carriers are also going to try and push it out at the same time causing a double whammy effect unless Apple changes their tune.

Couldn't agree more. That's why carriers love Android: they can load it with bloat to their heart's content. Apple will NEVER relinquish control to any carrier, it will never happen. Unless the new iPhone is able to jump on everything the newer Androids have (same SoC as the new iPad, NFC, LTE, bigger screen) and compete in price, I think carriers will continue to push Android. I'm pretty sure tear downs have shown the iPhone to be no more expensive to make than high end Android devices yet the carriers have to subsidize them at such a higher level.
iPhone isn't going anywhere, I'd just like to see them step up the game on the next revision.
It's funny cause AT&T seems to push people towards iPhone, from what I've seen. The dudes working at the local store act like there is nothing but iPhone in existence. It's annoying.
It's funny cause AT&T seems to push people towards iPhone, from what I've seen. The dudes working at the local store act like there is nothing but iPhone in existence. It's annoying.

Makes sense, though, considering the iPhone was the only worthy smartphone AT&T carried until it realized the power of Android. It is funny to me, sometimes, to think that the iPhone 4S is the same size as my screen!
It's funny cause AT&T seems to push people towards iPhone, from what I've seen. The dudes working at the local store act like there is nothing but iPhone in existence. It's annoying.

I think AT&T is still hung up on the iPhone being their bread and butter. True, Verizon and Sprint have it, but it's what honestly saved their company.
The Note, Skyrocket, and One X are all awesome phones which I wish Verizon would carry. It's sad to see them still pushing the 4S over them.
But what about the people who have a 4g/LTE phone, but still use the 3g signal for better battery life?
But what about the people who have a 4g/LTE phone, but still use the 3g signal for better battery life?

Great point! I use my Nexus on Verizon mostly on WiFi/3G. I use 4G for downloads, etc...

No answer other than battery savings! :D
I was in a Verizon store yesterday and stood by while an older gentlemen kept asking iPhone questions and the rep kept bringing him over to the Android phones, particularly the Droid Razr. He kept pushing it pretty hard too.
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