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Root [Virgin Mobile/Sprint] New Firmware out?

I am new to this forum and recently switched back to virgin from att, have flashed the bejesus out of every phone I have owned. I am no programmer or engineer. I follow directions well. I rolled the dice and let the update through two nights ago on a v6 rooted f3. Did not loose root. I still have v6?!?. Thought this was strange so I did some searching and found you all, great work to all who are trying to give the f3 its proper treatment. I will be constantly tormenting this nifty little device and hope to be able to provide some input in the near future. :thumbup:
Argh! i installed the v7 update from a rooted v6, now im semi bricked. Should of known better lol. Back to the unbrick method. Didnt see the post above by xclusive saying not to unless you're on stock not rooted.
Hi: Though I’ve rooted my Virgin Mobile F3, I’m still really a noob at this business. I’ve been getting OTA update nag screens for the last couple of weeks. Because I’m still a novice, I haven’t been very successful at following the (terrific-looking) instructions for disabling the update using the FOTA.Kill apk. I have downloaded FOTA.Kill.apk. Now, please, could someone tell me:
1. What is the complete address of /system/app folder into which FOTA.Kill apk goes?
2. What is the complete address of /cache, where the “v7 update zip” is located, so that I can delete it?
3. What is the exact name of the “v7 update zip”? (I don’t see opiumdreams’ screen shot of the file.)
Again: thanks very much for any help.
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