Did you notice the part where you can limit how much space it uses, thereby making it unnecessary to manually clear its cache?
Its option to clear cache is generally not needed, as it obeys the limit it's given. That's more for a one-off thing if you want to clear its [user-limited] cache for some reason.
But all of those cache limits seem large to me.
I don't even have apps that size.
For what its worth, I see no purpose in any cache at all.
When I delete it all, my device runs great.
When my device starts moving slow and stumbling, 99% of the time it is due to a gigantic pile of steaming cache.
Small memory devices should have the ability to just not allow apps to build caches at all.
Yes, I know that the info is supposedly making the app faster and that it will just reload when I open the app again.
Frankly, I am fine with that.
But there is no need for it to just sit there and grow and grow and grow, as it winds up just slowing the device down to a crawl and then a stop eventually.
My ol'lady has an identical device.
She likes to take pictures.
She downloaded some crAPP that was supposed to do something with her photos that she thought sounded cool.
So after a week or so, she is bitching about her phone, and me for 'doing sonething to it'.
Mind you, this is a device that has 16GB internal memory, about 6¼GB is used by the system.
Her phone was non-functional.
As in non-responsive.
I actually had to go into the developers options and turn all the animation off completely.
Then I could navigate, albeit very slowly.
So, it turns out that her memory is completely full.
She has a 32GB SD card, with about ⅓ space remaining, but the phone clogged.
The phone is set to put pictures and videos onto the SD card.
I checked the file manager, and nothing seemed to be amiss- no giant files, no folders with large amounts of files, but 0 memory available.
The device crashed a couple of times, just trying to find what the heck was causing this.
Luckily, I had already installed Android System Cleaner on her device, so I closed all open apps and ran it.
There is a duplicate finder feature, and I used it.
It turns out that this turd of an app she got has been storing a copy of every single video and photo on the device- but in its own cache files in the device's internal memory.
So there was a copy of every single thing on the SD card on the device as well.
So luckily, the duplicate finder feature tells you the location of the files that it finds, and I used this info to delete the offending garbage.
As far as I am concerned, that picture app should be classified as malware.
If it wasn't for that cleaner finding those files within minutes, I would need to have located and sorted through 6GB of digipoop by hand.
Part of the problem is that she plays endless amounts of those stupid 'candy' games, where you match items and solve puzzles.
Many of these games have hundreds of texture and layout files that are stored on the internal memory.
Whatever that app was, made copies of all those as well.
As just one of these games has around 800 of these files, you can only imagine what it was like having 800 more put onto the device, and then another copy onto the SD card.
She has like 6-8 of these games, and does not delete the files when she moves on to other games.
Just because I mentioned it here, the next time I get a hold of her phone, I will screenshot her apps list from the Play Store.
I still get it and clean it out every once in a while, and update the apps she needs updated, so I will screenshot it (or part of it) then shoot the pics over to my device and send them in a message.