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Help Weird thing with my LG-Esteem RAM

Today I noticed that the total RAM of my LG-Esteem reads 370 MB when it actually would read 512MB. The difference is 142MB. I shutdown the device and took off the battery and waited for a few minutes then inserted the battery back and turn on the phone again to see if that would help to fix this issue but to no avail. I know it read 512MB as total RAM when I bought it new last December but I don't know when this issue happened. I only know that by April I updated the phone from version 'ZVB' to version 'ZVD' sucessfully and it has been working without problems either before updating it or after it. My phone is not rooted yet. This anomally has puzzled me a lot. Has anyone in this forum has had this problem? Any ideas of what it is causing this issue?


Yeah, I went to a MetroPCS store a few minutes ago and a friend of mine who works there showed me his LG Esteem and he said the same thing about the 'TOTAL RAM' thing. Now I'm relaxed it just freaked me out, that's all. I tend to compare these smart phones to the computers I use daily which use a different aproach in relation to RAM and storage. Well, end of story and thank you for your input. Nice forum here. :)
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