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We've upgraded to XenForo! Help us iron out the bugs!

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Galaxy S20 Ultra
News Moderator
If you haven't noticed, things look a little bit different around here. That's because after 7 years on vBulletin, Android Forums has finally upgraded to XenForo!

We know things aren't perfect. We've already got a long list of improvements we want to make, features we want to add, bugs we need to kill, and the list goes on. We're hoping you help add to that list so we can continue making Android Forums the #1 community for Android enthusiasts.

We're especially interested in squashing any bugs off the bat, but we're eager to hear all of your opinions and feedback below, whatever the nature.
I used the Phandroid app for my phone. It will no longer let me login though. Is this simply a migration delay or will that no longer be supported?
I may be missing it, but I do not see a way to edit my post any more. Nor do I see a "Report Post" button any longer.

Bugs? Design? You decide... LOL
I just seen the edit is missing . the edit is very useful tool it helps to edit foul language and more .
I may be missing it, but I do not see a way to edit my post any more. Nor do I see a "Report Post" button any longer.

Bugs? Design? You decide... LOL
I just seen the edit is missing . the edit is very useful tool it helps to edit foul language and more .

Odd, I'm seeing both. Are you guys mobile (as in Tapatalk) or are you on a browser of some kind?
Odd, I'm seeing both. Are you guys mobile (as in Tapatalk) or are you on a browser of some kind?

Chromium on Ubuntu 14.04.1 and Seamonkey on same OS.

Haven't tried Firefox on ubuntu 14.04.1 and haven't tried any of these on my Windows 7 or 8 Partitions.

Here is another bug to take a look at:

When navigating to my account by clicking my user name it takes me to the following URL:


At which point I receive the following error:

Android Forums - Error
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.


Also, it would appear that quotes no longer display a name via tapatalk (which means no "hotlink" to the quoted post either)
Has the Report button disappeared as well? I wanted to give a moderator a heads up on a potential problem but I did not see the option on the user's thread/post
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