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What are the cons about this phone?


Extreme Android User
I'm due for an upgrade in two days. I looked at the various phones at the store and the Rezound is the only one that was really interesting to me.

What are the cons of this phone? I know every phone has them. Are there reasons I should avoid this phone altogether or hold out for something else? I'm currently rocking the DInc2 and am very happy with it.
I'm due for an upgrade in two days. I looked at the various phones at the store and the Rezound is the only one that was really interesting to me.

What are the cons of this phone? I know every phone has them. Are there reasons I should avoid this phone altogether or hold out for something else? I'm currently rocking the DInc2 and am very happy with it.

Battery life is not that great,and the bluetooth range is not as good as some other phones i have owned,but eveything else is flawless in my opinion,i love everything about it.you could wait to see the quad core lineup,but if you like a high end phone hardware wise you will not find to many duel core phones that can compete with the rezound.
I'm due for an upgrade in two days. I looked at the various phones at the store and the Rezound is the only one that was really interesting to me.

What are the cons of this phone? I know every phone has them. Are there reasons I should avoid this phone altogether or hold out for something else? I'm currently rocking the DInc2 and am very happy with it.

Same tired HTC design is one of my chief complaints, although most companies have been following Apple's "bar of soap" design for quite some time.

Some people will say no ICS, and HTC Sense is a big turn off, but I don't think ICS has been maximized by the developers yet, and some apps outright won't work in the ICS environment. As far as Sense, I still don't get why people tout the "Pure google experience" as a selling point. I like having access to some of the more useful apps right out of the bag.

Finally, even if you buy the phone at $199 (or less depending on where you buy from), post the headphones on Ebay and the phone then retails for closer to $99.00, although I advise you to listen to the headphones with the Beats EQ on to see if you want to part with them first.

As a side note, if you have thoughts about the Nexus, if you're in a sparse 4G area, good luck with the 4G signal and subsequent poor battery performance out of the Nexus.
Personally, I like Sense and that's one of the things that attracts me to the phone. When you say battery life is not that good, what kind of battery life are you getting? The guy at the store said 18 hours, but that smells of total BS. Also, what kind of BT range? I do use BT a ton w/a pair of BT headphones and a BT stereo going into the car.
Size and weight. It's a big guy. This, of course, is relative to each individual. Otherwise, great phone in its class.
Personally, I like Sense and that's one of the things that attracts me to the phone. When you say battery life is not that good, what kind of battery life are you getting? The guy at the store said 18 hours, but that smells of total BS. Also, what kind of BT range? I do use BT a ton w/a pair of BT headphones and a BT stereo going into the car.

Under moderate use, I can manage about a day without charging (8-10). If I really get crazy and start playing on the phone then 4-5 hours and the phone's LED is going to blink furiously at me. If you anticipate using your phone non-stop for long stretches, then a spare battery or an extended battery is something to consider.

Also, as someone else mentioned, the buttons are a little too flush and difficult to navigate sometimes.
I have no complaints about battery life. I just do the usual conservation things, turn off email notifications, etc. Yesterday I unplugged it around 8 am, used the nav for about a half hour drive, called all over (I just got a new Ford Fiesta and have SYNC so it's fun to try it out), Facebook, email, pics of traffic uploaded, played with it all night at a friends and then just plugged it in around 11 am this morning.

I agree about the buttons, too flush. Turning the ringer on and off is a pain LOL!!

I seriously LOVE this phone. It's ridiculously fun in the dock in my car for navigation.
I don't do any conservation things. I want my smartphone to be a smartphone so I leave mobile data, push notifications, etc.... turned on. I'll turn it off if I'm going to be someplace like a basement where I know I'm not going to get any data connection at all, but that's about it.
I'm due for an upgrade in two days. I looked at the various phones at the store and the Rezound is the only one that was really interesting to me.

What are the cons of this phone? I know every phone has them. Are there reasons I should avoid this phone altogether or hold out for something else? I'm currently rocking the DInc2 and am very happy with it.

This phone delivers such a high level of functionality........it just works........is really somewhat difficult to support any substantive list of cons .....:) But I will at least try......

Sense is not on my list and seems there are as many who love as not love and anyway, ICS is coming ( albeit delayed.....)......so on average can't really list this as a con from my humble perspective ......

The screen, the dual core, the other hardware specs......well........they just rock and will continue to do so for some time to come.......dual cores may be important for gamers and possibly for battery life ( depending on your read of energy saving technology within the processor ) but otherwise this is a benchmark phone. Camera specs and performance impressive......

The form factor and accompanying build quality is the HTC hand feel we have come to expect........

Ok.......if I can identify a con.......it is the battery but this is on every other con list for any other high end spec phone and will plague smartphones for the next three to five years........that's what electrical outlets, USB cables, extra stock or extended batteries are for :) I have never bought into the battery life frustration........

Think about it ...... had someone told me ten years ago I could have a processor more powerful than most desktops, with memory and RAM the same and sometimes better, 720 p display, digital pics, a solid MP3 experience and that oh my goodness Verizon 4 G goodness......but that I would need to keep the darn thing powered up......I would have said......well......yea!!!!!!
Battery is a huge thing for me and the main reason I abandoned my DInc. I got tired of having a dead phone by noon or having to keep it constantly plugged in or swap batteries in an out of it. My DInc2 can get a day and a half and sometimes two days if I turn it on and don't do anything more with it than monitor email, weather, etc.... If I use it to stream media, etc... then I can get 8-10 hours. I've got to be able to get that kind of life out of a phone. I've gotten spoiled by not having to carry extra batteries or stay plugged into the wall somewhere.
To me, Sense is the only con. Love people love Sense, but other like me can't stand it. However, after being turned off by the issues of the Nexus, I still decided to go with the Rezound and overall am very happy with it. I got pretty spoiled with the Nexus and it just made me realize how much I hate manufacturer overlays.

That being said, no amount of ICS goodness can overcome the frustrations I had with the Nexus.

Battery life has been been an issue for me. With light use this weekend, mainly texting, looking up movies and playing with the new "Backcountry Navigator" app I got, I have gotten almost 28 hours of use and I'm now sitting at 49% left.
I don't mind Sense. I love Sense that to me it's a value add. I'm probably the only person in the entire world who uses the "scenes" feature, but I love it.

I guess the big question is is 4G worth signing up for another two years of service?
I don't mind Sense. I love Sense that to me it's a value add. I'm probably the only person in the entire world who uses the "scenes" feature, but I love it.

I guess the big question is is 4G worth signing up for another two years of service?

If you do a lot of video streaming, downloading, and other data intensive tasks, then I would answer with a rezounding (see what I did there?!?!) YES.
I don't mind Sense. I love Sense that to me it's a value add. I'm probably the only person in the entire world who uses the "scenes" feature, but I love it.

I guess the big question is is 4G worth signing up for another two years of service?

Yea......4 G changed the playing field in data transmission.......I have a pretty awesome Comcast cable set up in my basement home office ...... really snappy.......then I procured the 4 G TB followed by my beloved Rezound......I read ( a lot ........) on the web abd rarely use my desktop anymore for this.......if you are a data guy like me the 4 G is amazing......particularly the Verizon blazing 4 G LTE ....... Remember ( ! ) not all 4 G technology is the same ......at all......4 G for me at least.....was a quantum leap
If you do a lot of video streaming, downloading, and other data intensive tasks, then I would answer with a rezounding (see what I did there?!?!) YES.

I don't know what you would consider data intensive. I used 3.5 GB this past billing cycle. Would you consider that high or low?

Now, on my home computer I can use 300 GB a month w/ease. I sucked down 50 GB in one day recently.
I really do love my Rezound, and there aren't any issues that are make or break to me, but here are the ones I do know, coming from a year and a half from the OG Droid.

1. Battery life: If I want to go all day with lots of battery left with my phone, I simply shut off data when I'm not using my phone, and I can go 5 hours and only drop 4%. I downloaded a free 4G app that gives me a shortcut to the settings to let me switch to CDMA only, but if I do that too much, it doesn't always work well, and I temporarily lose all data, requiring a reboot. If you keep everything on, data, apps that use data, etc, using your phone not constantly sporatically, you'll need to charge by lunchtime more than likely. I have tried shutting off background data, but then my Yahoo email app gives me a stupid message asking for it turned on, and that's annoying. I haven't found a 100% foolproof way of keeping data on so I can receive emails and other data requiring things, but still keep the battery life of having it shut off with only an active phone signal. If anyone knows how to do this, I'm ALL ears! Still, using some little tips and tricks, it's easy enough to get around this, even without my extended battery which I don't often use anymore.

2. A friend tried to share her contact info from her iphone by sending it to me today through a text message ("share contact" as it was called) to test that capability out on an Android phone, and I wasn't able to save her information, or copy the number without calling it briefly, and ending the call, and adding her to "people" from the call history, seems like a pain to me.

3. If you want an extended battery, sure it really helps a lot, but putting it in along with the new back plate, and even a thin gel case over the phone will be like carrying around an old brick Nokia or Qualcomm phone from 2001.

4. ICS updates keep being delayed from "early in 2012" to "sometime this year" and that's bothersome to me, because once more phones come out with it, all others should be updated, plain and simple. The GNEX was meant to be the first, but once the next one comes, every phone at least back to the bionic (4G phones) and X2/Incredible2 (3G phones) should all receive their updates within days of each other, end of story, no excuses!

5. If you don't like social media, or don't want to use any of it on your phone, much of Sense will be wasted. I finally dumped all social media accounts (reasons unrelated to my phone), and things like "friend stream" are only used for things like Twitter and Facebook.

6. Bloatware. There are 16 things that Verizon alone put on the phone, and besides maybe one or two, they are all junk to me, and I just don't want to root and remove them, otherwise I would. I would love it if they weren't built into the ROM, but removable by users without rooting.

7. Beats is an awesome feature, and so are the earbuds, but it ONLY works on MP3's saved to your phone, not internet radio, not youtube, etc. That simply sucks. I would have bought this phone without beats, but it's sure nice to have!

So, the first is the most annoying to me, but still workable. This is the honest truth from someone who was SPOILED ROTTEN by my OG DROID and it's amazing battery life that I always babied, when I didn't need to, and now I DO need to....
I don't know what you would consider data intensive. I used 3.5 GB this past billing cycle. Would you consider that high or low?

Now, on my home computer I can use 300 GB a month w/ease. I sucked down 50 GB in one day recently.

3.5 is low by my standards, but from what I understand, AT&T considers 2GB to be "excessive".
I really do love my Rezound, and there aren't any issues that are make or break to me, but here are the ones I do know, coming from a year and a half from the OG Droid.

1. Battery life: If I want to go all day with lots of battery left with my phone, I simply shut off data when I'm not using my phone, and I can go 5 hours and only drop 4%. I downloaded a free 4G app that gives me a shortcut to the settings to let me switch to CDMA only, but if I do that too much, it doesn't always work well, and I temporarily lose all data, requiring a reboot. If you keep everything on, data, apps that use data, etc, using your phone not constantly sporatically, you'll need to charge by lunchtime more than likely. I have tried shutting off background data, but then my Yahoo email app gives me a stupid message asking for it turned on, and that's annoying. I haven't found a 100% foolproof way of keeping data on so I can receive emails and other data requiring things, but still keep the battery life of having it shut off with only an active phone signal. If anyone knows how to do this, I'm ALL ears! Still, using some little tips and tricks, it's easy enough to get around this, even without my extended battery which I don't often use anymore.

2. A friend tried to share her contact info from her iphone by sending it to me today through a text message ("share contact" as it was called) to test that capability out on an Android phone, and I wasn't able to save her information, or copy the number without calling it briefly, and ending the call, and adding her to "people" from the call history, seems like a pain to me.

3. If you want an extended battery, sure it really helps a lot, but putting it in along with the new back plate, and even a thin gel case over the phone will be like carrying around an old brick Nokia or Qualcomm phone from 2001.

4. ICS updates keep being delayed from "early in 2012" to "sometime this year" and that's bothersome to me, because once more phones come out with it, all others should be updated, plain and simple. The GNEX was meant to be the first, but once the next one comes, every phone at least back to the bionic (4G phones) and X2/Incredible2 (3G phones) should all receive their updates within days of each other, end of story, no excuses!

5. If you don't like social media, or don't want to use any of it on your phone, much of Sense will be wasted. I finally dumped all social media accounts (reasons unrelated to my phone), and things like "friend stream" are only used for things like Twitter and Facebook.

6. Bloatware. There are 16 things that Verizon alone put on the phone, and besides maybe one or two, they are all junk to me, and I just don't want to root and remove them, otherwise I would. I would love it if they weren't built into the ROM, but removable by users without rooting.

7. Beats is an awesome feature, and so are the earbuds, but it ONLY works on MP3's saved to your phone, not internet radio, not youtube, etc. That simply sucks. I would have bought this phone without beats, but it's sure nice to have!

So, the first is the most annoying to me, but still workable. This is the honest truth from someone who was SPOILED ROTTEN by my OG DROID and it's amazing battery life that I always babied, when I didn't need to, and now I DO need to....

I love Sense so that's not a deal breaker for me. To me it's a value add. I don't care if the phone ever gets ICS. I'm weird this way, but I buy a phone for what it can do at the moment I buy it. I ditched the DInc because of the crappy battery life and no other reason. I'm not one to bitch and moan because the phone I bought yesterday is no longer on the bleeding edge of technology.

The bloat is not a huge deal to me as I always root and can uninstall it. It's a minor headache and some of that stuff (like My VZW or the Kindle app) I would download anyway.

You might look at Tasker for your data thing. I don't know if it can detect whether you've got a solid data connection or not, but if it can, it could easily disable background data when you don't have a solid connection.
I love Sense so that's not a deal breaker for me. To me it's a value add. I don't care if the phone ever gets ICS. I'm weird this way, but I buy a phone for what it can do at the moment I buy it. I ditched the DInc because of the crappy battery life and no other reason. I'm not one to bitch and moan because the phone I bought yesterday is no longer on the bleeding edge of technology.

The bloat is not a huge deal to me as I always root and can uninstall it. It's a minor headache and some of that stuff (like My VZW or the Kindle app) I would download anyway.

You might look at Tasker for your data thing. I don't know if it can detect whether you've got a solid data connection or not, but if it can, it could easily disable background data when you don't have a solid connection.

I'm still using the original Dinc with the original stock battery and I get at least a day and a half between charges. Before Froyo and Gingerbread I could get 2 days easily. I use wifi whenever possible. If I'm in an area with iffy 3G signal and no wifi it will drain the battery fast if you leave mobile on. In that case I just shut off mobile data until I need it or can get a better signal.
To be really picky, the Power button is too flush on the top.

Exactly. THAT^^ and the battery life, but that's to be expected with a 1.5Ghz Dual Core processor. The volume buttons are also too flush along the side...can't really feel them. Other than that, this phone is PERFECT.
Bloat isn't a problem to me, I keep shortcuts to all the apps I use on my home screen. I download juice defender, so now data shuts off with my screen but it checks my email every 30 minutes, so I don't have to always do it manually. I do like sense, I was just saying much of the sense widgets are useless without social media.
I'm still using the original Dinc with the original stock battery and I get at least a day and a half between charges. Before Froyo and Gingerbread I could get 2 days easily. I use wifi whenever possible. If I'm in an area with iffy 3G signal and no wifi it will drain the battery fast if you leave mobile on. In that case I just shut off mobile data until I need it or can get a better signal.

I'm astonished that you could get a day and a half. I never ever came close to that. I could get a day if I eased off the data significantly, but that was it.
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