Anti-virus ain't gettin ya much of anything at all. Play store has had numerous occasions where apps have been found to have issues where info/data is at risk and removed them from the store. Did anyone ever receive notification that they had installed a removed app so you can act accordingly? Samsung sold phones with preinstalled apps (remote for tv's) that were determined to contain some type of "spyware" on them. So it is all a flip of a coin, backed with a hope and a prayer. And how much of that really matters, most folks have given away most of their personal info signing up for facebook, twitter, google and numerous other apps where you just pushed the button and said YES, you have all the permissions you have asked for. Sure, all my contacts, where i go every day, what sites i visit, what banks i use, all the specs and info on my device id, my email addresses, phone number, carrier info, and it goes on. The U.S. needs to inact privacy laws (like the EU has), but them old farts in the senate just don't get it, the supreme court says a cop can pull you over and demand you give him your phone, and then be required to give them your unlock. Batteries in phone for the most part are internal and you can't remove them without a lot of hassle. You think all the different manufacturers decided at the same time that is how it should be without some prodding from whomever?
Now, if someone would pass me some cheese to go with my whine.....