A buddy of mine is a car nut - he designs cars for a living: you'd think he'd get enough of them at work - and he has, among others:
- 1958 MGA
- 1957 Mercedes SL
- 1930s(?) Model A Ford
- 1970s Thunderbird
I've seen them all, unfortunately, except for the MGA, they're all in bits in fields in Norfolk coz he's never had the cash to fix them up
is cute, though. The indicators are like squash balls with a hole in them: you squash the ball to turn the indicator on and when it refills with air, the indicator turns off
To get the carb to work properly, you have to balance an old ha'penny (removed from cirulation in 1971) on top.
It also didn't have a working reverse for the longest time so parking involved 'doing a Flinstones'
Scary to drive, though: no seat belts, no roll bar, tyres that look like they came off a push bike and brakes that feel like they're made of wood. Plus, the first time I drove it - rather too enthusiastically - was on a coastal road in Spain - think Highway 1 but about half the width, no crash barriers and with the cliff
right there. Oh - and with on-coming cars appearing around bends on your side of the road (the Spanish aren't great with rules - traffic lights are optional