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What Really Changed (Jellybean 4.1.2)

tapping on the version number in system settings is a different easter egg lol.

seriously though only thing I see massively different is the speed. I mean yeah I did reboot the phone so that might had something to do with it.

The dock software changed. if you have the razr dock you will see it (there's also a free app to load the dock software without having the dock). Much better font and layout now. I actually like the look when I'm in bed and look at the time.
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oh yeah, and there's a clock app that acts like a desktop clock without the dock. or nightstands clock.

That's what I was saying in my previous post. The dock app. You can get the free app "Razr Dock" in the app store which turns on the dock app without having the actual dock.

I use it all the time when I'm in bed. Bought a cheap metal stand that holds my phone in place. Made a SmartAction that after 10:00 PM if my AC adaptor is plugged in, the Razr Dock app starts up. Perfect dock replacement for a fraction of the cost.
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What easter eggs?

My battery life is unaffected - seems fine. Speed seems improved somehow.

I don't like google now - but I do like having the voice recognition software base on my phone so it doesn't require network actions to do voice to text (or actions).

Not feeling google now's permission requirements but I like the concept.
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Audio - there is something that pops up about long term high volume exposure.

that needs to go away. Happened in the car when I plug into the headphone output and use direct AUX in. (my car doesn't have BT audio)

after something like 50 minutes the volume fell off and there was a screen messsage.

I sort of miss the moto-music player. Google play buttons seem smaller to me
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Audio - there is something that pops up about long term high volume exposure.

that needs to go away. Happened in the car when I plug into the headphone output and use direct AUX in. (my car doesn't have BT audio)

after something like 50 minutes the volume fell off and there was a screen messsage.

I sort of miss the moto-music player. Google play buttons seem smaller to me
Yes,that is an app they added called acoustic warning,I started a thread on that app last week! It dsnt allow u to disable it in the settings and it is very irritating!
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Yeah, they need to do something about that.

My car connection -- via Bluetooth -- says to set the phone's volume to max and then control the volume through the car's audio. This makes sense -- until that app kicks in "helpfully" trying to save my hearing. Result: I have to turn the car's audio WAY up, and when I stop listening to phone audio, my car's audio comes back on REALLY LOUD.

I appreciate the thought, really, but they didn't think through the different ways people listen to music.
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Mine won't let me disable the stock Text Messaging and occassionally turns the notifications back on by itself so I get both Handscent and Stock Texts...
Wow that's really odd. The ICS update let you disable the stock text message app, which then let the messaging app of choice appear on the lock screen.

For every bug that Motorola fixes, two appear in it's place... ;)
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This. It's amazing how much smoother the phone is. I wasn't looking for a whole bunch of new features, as ics was pretty facking good, but no jitters or lag is fantastic!

I agree, mine has been completely lag free so far. Never was the case before jb, except for maybe a day or two after a factory reset. I was ready to look at the gs4, but can't really see a compelling reason anymore.
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