I am an occasional FB user. More often than not, I use it to complain about a company. Seems those that have a corporate FB page really do not like bad customer experiences posted. FB is a bit more immediate than going though a company CS department.
Virgin Mobile replaced my Triumph battery only after I asked about it on their FB page. Messages to VM's CS did not work, so I took it up a notch.
I've connected with old friends I could not find using web searches, so I use FB to find people. It was amazing that people I looked for for years were right there on FB.
Occasionally, I post something that is very crude and terrible. Can't do it here, so FB is where I go. FB is also a great place to rile up those that hate Jailbreakers. I usually post a link to a good info site. Makes some people really mad. I guess I would be described as a terrible FB user because I use it to abuse others.
I am thinking of using FB to advertise my crap. Or not, I do not know.
FB is going public, not sure what that will mean to us occasional users. Not sure why I mentioned it here, but I did.
I would like others to visit my FB page. On not, I do not care. I can be found, but I advise you all to stay away. About all you will find is crass attempts at humor, totally uncalled for insults and crass comments about people I hate sans knowing them.
Over all, I give FB six out of ten.5 stars.