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Help whats killing my phone

hi - got a zte blade/san fransisco...anyway is battery info section it shows that "android system" using 98% of the battery.....is that right ?....im not using bluetooth, screen set to low level, no app killer installed...ta
My guess would be that 98% of your phone's current level of activity (whatever that may be) is accounted for by system activities because you haven't installed much of anything else yet that would need to use CPU cycles.

If you install a task killer that is likely to change very quickly. ;)
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Please excuse the dumb question, but what is a task killer?

My phone seems to have used most of the battery charge overnight. I did have it set to use the GPS as the wallpaper, so I suppose it might be that. Now changed to a static wallpaper instead. Is there anything else which is likely to be running the battery down when the phone is off please? I don't mean totally switched off of course, just not in use.

One of the reasons I just moved from an iPhone was the crap battery life of that, so I am hoping the Android one is better. I suspect I don't have it setup correctly yet, rather than being as poor battery life as the iPhone.
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You need to put this in context. The overall battery usage is just an indication of what has been using the battery, not how much of the battery has been used. For example, suppose you have no apps or network connections installed on your phone, and you leave the phone switched on in standby. Battery usage will probably show 99-100% for Android System, but that's 99-100% of the actual battery life used, not the amount of battery life used. The phone may have only used about 5-10% of the battery power in 24 hours.

High battery usage is only a problem if something is actually draining battery too much.
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My phone seems to have used most of the battery charge overnight. I did have it set to use the GPS as the wallpaper, so I suppose it might be that. Now changed to a static wallpaper instead. Is there anything else which is likely to be running the battery down when the phone is off please? I don't mean totally switched off of course, just not in use.

GPS is only used by the phone when you've allowed an app to use it for finding your location, so having live wallpaper with maps is a likely cause for your battery drain.

Other reasons for battery drain are almost certainly apps using a data connection to sync/update, even when the phone is in standby. Take a look at all the apps you use and check their menu settings for update intervals. Making the intervals longer will reduce the amount of time they become 'active' and use battery/processor time. The biggest users of battery power are the 3G data connection and the processor - anything you can do to reduce their use will have a noticeable effect of overall battery life.
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