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Whats the most EMBARRASSING thing happened to you?

Oh jeez. I'll have to think about this. There are way too many to write and I strive to forget them all!
I fell down a flight of stairs in front of the cafeteria line. I was young so the other kids forgot all about it. I did not. :p
My shirt was the same color as the background for school photo day. I couldn't make it up because of the fact it was the retake day and the photographer and school staff were making it look like it was entirely my fault.
I was running with a tube top on it rolled down! Thank goodness I was wearing a shirt! (oops, did I just think what I said or did I "say" it our loud?
While I was in the Air Force I was told to order a part 1 Able for back order. Well on the computer there was no 1A. There was AA so thought that was it. So I ordered the part and went on my way. Well a hour later my bomber super truck came screaming up and slid to a stop. He yells get in now. I jump in and he said what did you do. Said i don't know why? He said you have to see the wing commander and he is hot. So get to his office and there is brass all in his office. He asked well yelled you order this part AA? I said yeah 1A . He said no AA is alert aircraft and the order was sent to the Pentagon. My heart sunk. He then reamed me for a good hour for that. When you order a part AA it gets there asap no matter if the part is on the other side of the country. So i got my part 3 hrs later and that was my most embarrassing moment.

I was lucky I wasn't kicked out for that. As one time we had a guy order a whole bomber while thinking.he was ordering the id plate for the bomber. They was sending prices of a bomber to us. He unfortunately was kicked out.
Running in a tube top... That's just begging for it. I assume you were running to save your dog or something unavoidable?

For me, I have many. The memories literally torture me. A couple:

I puked on the bus in front of everyone, maybe 5th grade, following a head injury. Right in the middle of the aisle. The cool kids in the back had to jump over it and move to the front.
My boob popped out of my bathing suit in front of my brother and sister's boyfriend. I didn't notice, sister's bf helpfully pointed it out. I was like 12 or 13.
There was a period mishap which I won't go into detail, caused by work stress.

There are more, but I don't want to risk reliving my emotional trauma.
In college my g/f and I were having a bit of a fight and she walked out of the kitchen in the middle which really ticked me off, so i went after her, four letter words a-blazin'. I thought she had gone into the living room, but later i found out she went upstairs. So i burst into the living room, face red yelling "don't f$$%#*$#ing walk away like that" only to find our house mates entertaining their minister.

You can't make that shi...stuff up.
^ ^eek. I've had a nightmare like that. I'm an ordained minister. I pastored a church for about 8 years or so. When I was a pastor, I had a nightmare that I was yelling at my kids and then my "overseer" walked in and saw me out of control. I told him about that dream and he smirked. It was a nightmare, but yours? Wow. Juuuust wow.
^ ^eek. I've had a nightmare like that. I'm an ordained minister. I pastored a church for about 8 years or so. When I was a pastor, I had a nightmare that I was yelling at my kids and then my "overseer" walked in and saw me out of control. I told him about that dream and he smirked. It was a nightmare, but yours? Wow. Juuuust wow.

Oh, the whole situation was much worse, this confrontation was only the icing on the very strange cake. So here we are a happy couple of college kids living together in love and all that crap. Then things start going all cattywumpus. She stays out late, acts alternately coy and offended when I ask where she's been. Gives me a shoulder so cold that the Titanic shudders and I start getting a little suspicious that something is going on. I think I would have preferred to be dumped summarily, but she insists everything is just fine so I delude myself into thinking it is until she starts leaving evidence that she's actually interested in one of our professors, and I don't mean academically. Then comes the part that would have made Machiavelli proud ... she names the professor, only it's not the one she's interested in. He's a totally innocent bystander and I ... oh god, if the poor man is still alive he must still think I'm a loon. Anyway, that's when the scene above played out.

Shortly after, I moved out and she ran off with the Professor (who ended up dumping her.)

Like I said, you can't make this stuff up.
My daughter was 5 or 6 at the time. When they are that age you are teaching them what not to say. "Don't call anyone dumb or stupid, those aren't nice words."

We were out and about and I decided to go to an Al-Anon meeting. The meeting had already started. It was a small meeting, about 8 people. We went in, sat down, and my daughter was quietly amusing herself with the toys I had brought in for her.

A woman was sharing, and was visibly upset. She was sobbing and she mentioned that some event had made her "feel so stupid". My daughter stopped what she was doing, looked up at me and said "Stupid! She said Stupid!" I tried to quiet her but she continued "She said stupid!". By now there were snickers coming from others in the meeting. I just gathered our things and left the room amongst the snickering and the intense, dagger throwing stare from the woman who we had interrupted.

Needless to say, I never showed my face at that meeting again.
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