Android Enthusiast
VZW is really falling behind on their phones, in my opinion. The Rezound, Gnex, & RAZR are still top of the line, but I would like to see some of the new Sony, LG, and HTC One X phones hit the shelves. But it's unlikely. They are either keeping a tight lid on their new releases or nothing great is in the works. Sux for us.
But, an even trade on the Bionic for a Razr doesn't seem bad to me. The Bionic has gotta be only about 6 months old, so you're not sacrificing much if you extend your contract. (I'm assuming you signed a two year when you got the Bionic...)
But, an even trade on the Bionic for a Razr doesn't seem bad to me. The Bionic has gotta be only about 6 months old, so you're not sacrificing much if you extend your contract. (I'm assuming you signed a two year when you got the Bionic...)