Android Enthusiast
I hear ya, Joey.
And your obsevation that they are pocket sized computers.... that they are. There isn't much I can do on my computer that I can't do on my phone. I have a high powered Alienware gaming laptop so the screen is bigger and it'll do what I ask extremely fast but the fact remains, I can do most of the things on my phone. It is slower and the screen smaller but my phone is 2-1/2" x 5", and my laptop is 16" x 12" and weighs 12-1/2 pounds.
Patiently/impatiently waiting for the phone to replace my Droid X. Just FYI, it's not out yet.
I'm still on the original Incredible. My two years with it are up this month. I'm not expecting a perfect phone, just a device that only has the trade-offs I'm willing to make. A good (not spectacular) camera is one of my must-have criteria. I've never used the GNex, but I've seen plenty of photos taken with it side-by-side with the same photos shot with the Razr (not Maxx, but I'm pretty sure it's the same camera in both Razr devices) and the GNex took superior photos, especially macro and low-light. They were sharper, brighter, and higher contrast.
Ideally, I'd like an LTE phone that also has a GSM chip in it, but my understanding is that the technology just isn't there yet to fit it all into one package at a reasonable price point. I'm willing to let go of that feature on my wish list, and with the rumors about the Incredible 4G and Droid Fighter, the not-too-distant (I hope!) future is looking promising for me.