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What's the weather like where you are?

The day started just barely above freezing. However, by early afternoon it had warmed into the seventies with a high of eighty degrees. There was a bit of wind from the West and South West but not our typical March winds. With a full sky of blue it was one of those rare beautiful days.
Wouldn't be fair for me to say it's been chilly with all your reports of snow. But here, it's low 50's. With our Bay, which is about the size of the Grand Canyon, average temps are about high 40s to low 50s year round. We do have our hot and cold moments on occasion. Very rarely will you find me without a sweatshirt on.
It reached the lower seventies today but was simply miserable outside. There was a slight wind blowing this morning. Not at all an attention getter. I headed South to do some work on my trailer. I struggled to keep my truck in my lane. When I got to the river the wind was just roaring. I wasn't about to get on the roof to work. I drove back home. Winds were in the high forties with gusts much higher. My station logged an eighty two mile per hour gust.
My son said the station at the refinery where he works logged a seventy six mile per hour gust. The sky looked brown with all of the dirt in the air. It was an extremely lousy day weather wise. The wind is still blowing in the double digit range with a temp of 58 degrees.
Currently it is 44° with a North wind in the single digit range. I can hear chainsaws running in the neighborhood clearing downed branches. I hope it warms up so I can ride about town and view the damage caused by yesterday's high winds. The forecast has it only getting into the upper fifties today with double digit winds from the North.
In a word... lousy! Early it snowed a bit then misted hard or lightly rained... whatever. A whopping .02" is all that fell at my station. It's been in the mid thirties all day. The wind is ripping from the NE at the thirty plus mph range. Wind gusts have been high blowing trash dumpsters all over the neighborhood and trash going everywhere. The high gust I've recorded today was 89mph.

added.. It's snowing again. I don't anticipate any accumulation.
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Also this:

srsly wtf, dry spots.png
The day is starting out in the low fifties. At first glance, that seems like a very nice day is in the making. Next I check the wind and find it is blowing from the North in double digit speed with gusts into the thirty mile per hour range.
My weather app predicts a high in the upper sixties with the wind continuing to ruin the day.
Now hear this, now hear this... currently the wind is not blowing! It is 43° with a predicted high in the mid seventies. There is some wind predicted this afternoon but nothing like it's been blowing. The best part of the forecast is that nice weather is predicted all week. Perfect timing for I begin mowing lawns starting today.
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