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What's wrong with society????

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Android Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2011
Here's a little morning rant because I just don't get it...

I buy and sell second-hand phones as a hobby. It gives me a chance to play with everything that Verizon has to offer. I sometimes hold onto a phone for a day, other times it's for several months. Sometimes I'll root 'em, other times I'll leave em' stock. This is not a profit machine, rather it's a low-risk way to experience alot of different devices and I get to keep my unlimited data. 99% of the time, I'm transacting in android devices, although I did try a Windows phone for a day (bleh!).

But recently I was tasked by a friend to sell his iPhone 4s which is where my dilemma comes in. This was a 16GB version for Verizon, but "factory unlocked" (which doesn't really mean anything because you really can't use it off of Verizon's network). So before I sold the phone, I thought I would give it a try. Needless to say, I was shocked at how difficult it was to even get the phone functional. First, I needed to get an old, non-4G, sim card. Then, I could not bypass the activation screen without doing some confounded button combination. When that was too difficult to do, the only option available was to plug the phone into a computer and connect an i-Tunes account. Since I haven't used i-Tunes in several years, I opted to power down the phone, remove the sim, and put the phone up for sale. Now this is the confusing part for me...

I sold this 2-year old, small-screened, heavy, glass-laden, 16gb, non-expandable memory, 3G only device within 1 week for more than I can sell an HTC DNA. (I'm using the DNA as an example because that's the other phone that I currently have on the market). I'm not going to compare specs between the two devices, nor am I going to compare the user experience, because I think we all agree that the DNA is in a completely different league. Yet, the iPhone 4s sells for a higher price and it takes less time to sell it. What's wrong with people? Am I nuts or is the world crazy? Why would anyone ever choose a 4s over a newer, bigger, brighter, faster, easier alternative? I just don't get it...

Thanks for reading, I feel better now that I got that off my chest.
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[Hide]Here's a little morning rant because I just don't get it...

I buy and sell second-hand phones as a hobby. It gives me a chance to play with everything that Verizon has to offer. I sometimes hold onto a phone for a day, other times it's for several months. Sometimes I'll root 'em, other times I'll leave em' stock. This is not a profit machine, rather it's a low-risk way to experience alot of different devices and I get to keep my unlimited data. 99% of the time, I'm transacting in android devices, although I did try a Windows phone for a day (bleh!).

But recently I was tasked by a friend to sell his iPhone 4s which is where my dilemma comes in. This was a 16GB version for Verizon, but "factory unlocked" (which doesn't really mean anything because you really can't use it off of Verizon's network). So before I sold the phone, I thought I would give it a try. Needless to say, I was shocked at how difficult it was to even get the phone functional. First, I needed to get an old, non-4G, sim card. Then, I could not bypass the activation screen without doing some confounded button combination. When that was too difficult to do, the only option available was to plug the phone into a computer and connect an i-Tunes account. Since I haven't used i-Tunes in several years, I opted to power down the phone, remove the sim, and put the phone up for sale. Now this is the confusing part for me...

I sold this 2-year old, small-screened, heavy, glass-laden, 16gb, non-expandable memory, 3G only device within 1 week for more than I can sell an HTC DNA. (I'm using the DNA as an example because that's the other phone that I currently have on the market). I'm not going to compare specs between the two devices, nor am I going to compare the user experience, because I think we all agree that the DNA is in a completely different league. Yet, the iPhone 4s sells for a higher price and it takes less time to sell it. What's wrong with people? Am I nuts or is the world crazy? Why would anyone ever choose a 4s over a newer, bigger, brighter, faster, easier alternative? I just don't get it...

Thanks for reading, I feel better now that I got that off my chest.
I guess it's all about the iPhone popularity. :)
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iPhone is sorta like Lamborghini of phones.

Snobby individuals want to be seen with a iPhone for the same reeason they want to be seen in a Lamborghini.
Any Lamborghini vehicle has a comparable cheaper model from other manufacturers.
The same is true of iPhones their are comparable android models, but they lack the prestige/high price tag.
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Brand name. The iPhone is still a very popular brand.

My uncle works in the shoe industry. He told me about a shoemaker who makes really high quality shoes. If he priced it at $300 (which is apporpriate for the quality), it would not sell that well. However, if he puts a famous brand name on it (through proper business channels) and sell it for $500, it would sell like hotcakes.
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Remember, there are what, 6 or 7 iPhone versions out with hundreds of millions of each in the wild. So a second hand sale of one of them is simply a comparison of storage capacity and condition. There is no subjectivity to it. If 10,000 4s's are selling on the used market for $200 then that is the price for a used 4s. It's that simple.

Compare that with Android where the DNS is one of hundreds of hardware variants (and probably has a non Verizon version with another name) that have different carrier names, bloatware infections, and region locking. There are probably 100 iPhone 4s's for sale for each DNA. That will stabilize and ligitimize the prize of the iPhone.
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iPhone is sorta like Lamborghini of phones.

Snobby individuals want to be seen with a iPhone for the same reeason they want to be seen in a Lamborghini.
Any Lamborghini vehicle has a comparable cheaper model from other manufacturers.
The same is true of iPhones their are comparable android models, but they lack the prestige/high price tag.

I tend to think the iPhone is like the Gucci or Louis Vuitton of cellphones, especially here. People like the logo, branding, image and the perceived cachet and prestige it brings. After all people have been declined employment just because they had a iPhone in this country. A second hand dealer might have a load of used phones from many makers, Apple, Samsung, HTC, Huawei, ZTE, but I bet it will be the Apple ones that will be the best sellers and command the highest prices used.

I've had people lusting and drooling over the six year old white Apple Macbook I use, that my father gave me last summer.. In fact I've covered the glowing Apple logo with a blue EU "GB" car country sticker....LOL

BTW Vertu and Goldvish luxury phones have always sold very well here as well thank you very much. Probably their best and most lucrative market. :rolleyes:
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I tend to think the iPhone is like the Gucci or Louis Vuitton of cellphones, especially here. People like the logo, branding, image and the perceived cachet and prestige it brings.
mikedt likes purses.
Those comparisons didn't come to mind as I know very little about expensive things, nor do I care to ever know about them.

BTW Vertu and Goldvish luxury phones have always sold very well here as well thank you very much. Probably their best and most lucrative market. :rolleyes:
Goldvish = Dumb phones made of gold and encrusted with diamonds. What a waste of the gold and diamonds.
Vertu = Reasonably good phone that will be a uber expensive out of date phone soon.

There is a reason phones are made of plastic, They are meant to be replaced.
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mikedt likes peruses.
Those comparisons didn't come to mind as I know very little about expensive things, nor do I care to ever know about them.

7Priest7, apparently you know about Lamborghinis though. :p

They're high ticket luxury items..similarly with a Rolex watch or a Porsche for that matter. Where I am the iPhone is not-subsidised and is basically a desirable high ticket luxury item, like most Apple products, especially the Macs. One has to be quite well monied and privileged to own one. The iPhone 5S is equivalent of $1100 USD, that's a heck of a lot of money for a phone IMO. But then high-end Samsungs can be reassuringly expensive here as well.

In fact on the iPhones here, they don't even state "Assembled in China", just have the "Designed by Apple in California". And quite a few people are under the impression that the Apple products are made in the United States. If they saw "Made in China" on a high ticket item from a foreign brand, they more than likely wouldn't buy it.

BTW I do know about "purses"...man bags or murses are very popular in Asia with the gentry. LOL. ...and they absolutely adore anything Italian or French, especially if it costs a packet.

Goldvish = Dumb phones made of gold and encrusted with diamonds. What a waste of the gold and diamonds.
Vertu = Reasonably good phone that will be a uber expensive out of date phone soon.

You ever encountered nouveau riche Chinese or SE Asian brand whores? Features don't matter, it's all about the diamonds, the gold and the brand. :rolleyes: In fact sometimes they'll have the Goldvish just to be seen with, and use a Samsung or something as a smart-phone. All about showing your status, prestige and face. Should I introduce AF to a new money Malaysian, known as Hermes Man?

Want an extreme example, compare a $20,000 Rolex with a $10 Casio. A Casio has more features and keeps better time. But that doesn't stop Rolex selling watches though, and commanding a very high second hand value.

There is a reason phones are made of plastic, They are meant to be replaced.

Not all made of plastic..ahem iPhones (apart from 5C). Out of date might be a matter of opinion. I think does it still work like when I first bought it and still do what I require, if so good there's no need to replace it IMO.

Other thing is, if one is in a country where one commits to mandatory two year contracts. Basically one can replace a phone, and get a new one for minimal or no cost at all, because of carrier subsidies. In the UK can get an iPhone 5C for zero cost on Vodafone, provided one takes out a two year contract. Where I am there's people still using the 3Gs and 3GSs, although they're probably on their second batteries, can still get a good price for them second hand. Some people are using Nokias that are over a decade old, as long it still does phone calls and messages. Although the low-cost, low-specced disposable $50 Android has very much taken their place now.

I'm using a Macbook that's six years old, can't run the latest 10.9 Mavericks version of OS X, it's stuck with Snow Leopard. But on the other hand it still works like the day it was bought, and runs the current software I need, so no need to change it. :) But the thing is if I wanted to sell it I could get a good price for it here. If it was a six year old Samsung, Acer or Lenovo "Designed for Windows Vista" laptop, be lucky to get anything for that. ...basically it's, oh no don't want that Chinese Lenovo or Korean Samsung, but we want that "American" Apple laptop....indeed "What's wrong with society???" ... I've known people spend a packet on a Mac just to put pirated Windows XP on it, they're not interested in OS X. They just want the looks, the brand, the logo and the perceived cachet AFAICT.
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I walked past someone parking a Lamborghini the other day. Found myself wondering why anyone would want a car that sounded like it had a blown exhaust?

The person seemed to be finding it hard to park too, because despite it being a huge space I could hear it for a long time after I'd passed them. Or maybe they were keeping the engine going because they weren't getting as much attention as they'd hoped? ;)
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Brand name. The iPhone is still a very popular brand.

My uncle works in the shoe industry. He told me about a shoemaker who makes really high quality shoes. If he priced it at $300 (which is apporpriate for the quality), it would not sell that well. However, if he puts a famous brand name on it (through proper business channels) and sell it for $500, it would sell like hotcakes.

That's completely true, it's all about the brand and the image it projects. BTW $500 is not that much for hand made shoes, try $5000 a pair. And the company that makes them, does very well thank you very much....Edward Green of Northampton, England(NOT Made in China).
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What is wrong with society? Some people will sell a piece of poop iPhone for a very high price because they've found a sucker.

That's one thing that's wrong with society.

You know the well known phrase? "There's a sucker born every minute." especially if he or she has a fat wallet...that's how the luxury and brand whore market works IMO.

I think iPhones are fine, especially if you can get them free or heavily subsidised from a carrier, just like any other phone. But there is a lot of hype and expectations with them. Apple has made a very successful business out of it, and so has Gucci for that matter....BTW both of whom are banned from advertising on Chinese TV, along with most other foreign luxury brands.

Don't know what country the OP is in, but presumably like China, second hand Apple products are commanding a high price and sell very well, much more so than Samsung or Lenovo or whatever. Mainly due to their perceived cachet and prestige.
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It's called "Brand loyalty" and every maker desires it. Marketing does everything to encourage it. People need to reinforce their choices so going along with buying an Iphone makes them feel comfortable.

Just an FYI- Jerry Jones, owner of the NFL Cowboys was seen using an old flip phone. That created a bit of consternation in some posts as he can afford a new Iphone. One article stated that millionaires might know value - most others called him a tightwad and not with the times.


I don't notice. I try to have no brand loyalty at all. I have brands I don't want, but for different reasons than the usual. I'm fairly impervious to marketing.

I have no problem with people buying what they want. I do have a problem if those people are going into debt to do so and ignoring necessities, or doing something illegal to get the product. That leads to restrictions on all of us.
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You ever encountered nouveau riche Chinese or SE Asian brand whores?

I came over to europe with a bunch of friends from Singapore years ago: they were totally shocked that people in europe are not permanently clad in Chanel and Gucci.

The other strange thing in Sing back in the day (though, thankfully not so much last time I visited) was the advertising: white models outnumbered Asian models around 10 to 1 - we used to count :eek:

First, why would they want to fly over european and American models when there are plenty of absolutely stunning Asian women everywhere you look, and second, advertising is supposed to aspirational: how does a Chinese or Malay girl aspire to be a 6 foot blonde caucasian :thinking:

I walked past someone parking a Lamborghini the other day .. The person seemed to be finding it hard to park too

They are notoriously hard to park - something to do with no rear window and heavy steering.

I had a Porsche years ago that also had massive tyres and no power steering: parking was a serious upper body workout. I actually snapped the steering wheel one time :eek:

Or maybe they were keeping the engine going because they weren't getting as much attention as they'd hoped? ;)

Hey - they paid plenty for that attention: they deserve it :D
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I came over to europe with a bunch of friends from Singapore years ago: they were totally shocked that people in europe are not permanently clad in Chanel and Gucci.

Was a culture shock to me when I first came to China from the UK, to find that a majority of the population permanently clad in Chanel and Gucci, including school and college students. Although most is knock-off, unless rich enough to afford the real McCoy.

I hear that something like three quarters of the world's Rolexs are sold through Hong Kong and end up in the mainland.

There is a significant problem with smuggling of contraband Apple products, especially iPhones, from Hong Kong and Singapore into mainland China. Because they're much cheaper there. I flew once from HK to Beijing, during the time when the iPad was available most places, except mainland China. It had not been launched here yet. Customs at Beijing airport were on the lookout for people smuggling IPads. Outside of any Apple Store in Beijing or Shanghai, you'll often see touts peddling smuggled iPhones and IPads. The irony is of course all the things are made here. But Apple doesn't really want people to know that and is why Apple products sold in China don't have "Assembled in China" on them.
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There's nothing wrong with society. People always want a bargain, and if they can't pony up for an iP5 then a good-condition iP4S is an attractive alternative. Why would they choose a cheaper/better Android if they prefer an iOS device? It's their choice, and their money.

I disagreeings some what Slug King. :)

Everybody love a the Slug Sluggies! ;)


I think there is a lot wrong with society actually if you want to get technical. :)

There is also on the better and great clever bright side - a hell of a lot of GREATthings going on today with society!


I totally agree with the fact that it is their moola / el dinero! :)

But the part where you say "bargain"???


I think if Apple is smart enough to fool / trick dumb people into believing their product will make them cooler and cath more attention because they maybe feel hollow / shallow inside then that is their good marketing and trickery skills. ;)

Remember... a fool and his money are soon parted. :)

If Apple has the extreme understanding of how to fool the masses into believing it will make them cool and "fit in" because maybe people feel very shallow inside because in a way society is a bit strange (but has hell of millions of AWESOME things going for it :)) then this is Apple's good understanding and taking advantage of this sad phenomenon.

But I will never deny how much I agreeings of how it is their money - their choice! ;)

If some one can put lipstick on a STINKING dog turd and sell it as a toy to millions of children because it "looks cool" with their brilliant marketing sheer understanding... then good to them! ;)

If people allow it then poop happens. :)

I wish they would make someding like the "phone blocks" concept a reality because it is true that in such a wasteful, destructive society instead of mobile manufacturers wanting you to buy an entire new cellphone where absolutely everything is soldered onto the mother board but when 1 part breaks - only 1 part - you either have to fork out cash to the repair man - OR if you just had a simple screw driver (and you can very very quickly remove your false claims of voiding the warranty - because all you do is put a sticker on it somewhere that forces them to void their warranty instead of bringing it in still under warranty if it is still there.)

You know why they don't all do this like they have on laptops and many other devices like desktops?


And the false concept of el dinero makings the world goings around... and around.... and around... in circles more like it.... going in circles more like it actually...

So yeah. ;)

So yes OP I actually agree with you in a way. :)

There is some very strange behviour with this world today! :)

But never forget some of the most AWESOME things have come in the new information age.

I think this is a great name for the modern era! ;)

The information age. :)

The age of extreme learnings and understandingings. :)

But I hear you of how ******ed man kind is... :) but change is upon this stinky little globe! :D
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What is wrong with society? Some people will sell a piece of poop iPhone for a very high price because they've found a sucker.

That's one thing that's wrong with society.

Cheers to you bruizer! ;)



Rock on bruizer! ;)


Why so serious? :D


To the OP Ouch1976 dude bruizer.... raise your glass and LOVE the future of all the Human rights the POSITIVE feed back of this WONDERFUL world that is upon us. ;)

So much has burst through this wonderful new era that we have been born in. :)

Embrace OP... do not hate... embrace and yes - there is still some crazy stuff and it seems to be maybe all over the place... but KNOW that a great wonderful era is on the horizon ... do not forget Ouch1976... don't you forget ALL the wonderul amazing things that make us all different and EMBRACE the glory of this new wonderful era... and we are right in the middle of it. :)

So why don't you come in and raise your glass! ;)
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It is society. Go read the old Status Seekers by Vance Packard. It's still valid today.

The more uncertain the times, the more people want reinforcement that they have some worth and are seen as having worth. Most get it by brands, others just get pushed over the edge and do violence.

Certain cars have status, so the vehicles are vandalized for chop shops. People do buy the counterfeit goods. If someone is bullied or thinks he/she has a problem, a gun seems to solve all the issues today. Slowly but surely what we think of as entitlements are being eroded. Used to be you could work hard, save up, and buy a house, burn the mortgage in 30 years. In some areas now, you can't afford an apartment. There's too much pressure for more of your disposable income. It's the cult of "right now"" I want big bucks and want them right now. If these kids can make a million dollars in one day with dot.com companies, then I deserve the right to make the same anywhere else. I need much higher returns on investments right now"

If it wasn't this necessity of being reinforced, why is the Iphone the most stolen phone? If it wasn't a brand icon, it wouldn't be the most swiped. No profit in stealing it.

You can still do things the old-fashioned way, but it's getting harder. With a lot of business and services being moved online, it's hard to ignore and something else you need to budget for. You can live without a cell phone, still get OTA TV, and do your own cooking. Libraries with real books exist. You can shop for clothes in places like the Arc or Goodwill. Of course, you get chastised by most people for doing so since you are not a part of the new norm. Some can't handle this and go haywire. It's the day of instant gratification.

If you were not too well off, you told the kids that something couldn't be afforded, and that was that. Today the kid goes on Facebook and complains that it can't have an Iphone, and the parent gets blamed as being a child abuser.

Our grandparents were raised on far stricter rules. You can call them old farts and fuddy-duddies, but most had houses that were paid for, they lived within budgets and didn't whine when they couldn't have something "right now" If they couldn't afford it outright, they didn't buy it. They were also told "no" as kids without any ill effects from it.

I usually save up for any big item I want. I find I enjoy whatever item and value it more by doing so.

Buying Chanel and Gucci is status - whether real or counterfeit. Blame international marketing, since China could probably bring out a successful line of designer items worldwide if it wanted to.
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Wow. It looks like this post really got going over the weekend...so I'll add a little fuel to this fire.

I totally understand brand whores for clothing, cars, and accessories. These are all status symbols that provide users with a sense of success and worth. But, I just don't get it with technology.

Trends in technology, by their nature, change much faster than clothing and/or cars. A Polo shirt from 2007 is going to look very similar to a Polo shirt from 2013. A 2005 Porsche is going to look very similar to a 2013 one. Yes, designs for cars change over time and fashion trends come and go, but they usually lasts for several years. But with technology, things move fast. Cameras, processor speeds, LTE, resolution, etc are all changing extremely quickly. And if you're not keeping up, then you're becoming obsolete.

I view the iPhone 4s like any other obsolete technology, ie it should be virtually worthless. The technology has moved way beyond that phone.

Conversely, if you're buying the phone for a fashion statement, I don't know who would think that a 2 year old piece of technology looks cool. You're already two iterations behind the current one. Nobody in metro-NY see an iPhone 4s (which I have to add is the same body at the 3 year old iPhone 4) and says "Whoa, that's a cool looking phone. What is it?" People say that with the Note 3 or HTC One.

The 4s is lame and anyone using it as a fashion statement needs a lesson in life.
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