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What's wrong with society????

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I am fabulous ek se.... :rolleyes:

Check out MY look - you can only WISH you looked as good as this!










BUT when I finally get enough time from my..... "busy" schedule i is gonna get.... 1000 SIMULTANEOUS WINDOW SHATTERING DRUM ROLL PLLLZ....

Plastic SURGERY to look JUST like my child hood hereo!


SAMMY the Speedy Snail!



he's my hero!


I am a BARBIE girl in a loser shallow EMPTY PLASTIC world!


I wanna be plastic tooooo!



Everybody is doin it! :)
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Ah, I say anyone using anything as a fashion statement needs a lesson :p

Now, now -
I use my sewing machine and computer. I can and do design what I want and not what someone thinks I want. I have pattern drafting software, can digitize embroidery designs, and use the fabric I choose.

My fashion statement is "I don't give a tinker's dam" You do what you want, I do what I want.

Some others can do fabulous furniture if they have a workshop available.

How many gamers or audiophiles build their own systems?

All statements of protest.
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I view the iPhone 4s like any other obsolete technology, ie it should be virtually worthless.

It's no more "obsolete" than many mid-range Android handsets on the market. It still functions perfectly well and meets most peoples' needs, unless they need 4G capability.

The 4s is lame and anyone using it as a fashion statement needs a lesson in life.

How about those using it for what is, an entry-level handset to iOS? Would you be just as dismissive of somebody buying (for example) a Galaxy S3 because they wanted a half-decent Android but couldn't afford the cost of an S4 or Note 3?
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Those of you who think Ouch1976 sold a premium iPhone should reread the OP.

"I sold this 2-year old, small-screened, heavy, glass-laden, 16gb, non-expandable memory, 3G only device within 1 week for more than I can sell an HTC DNA."

And for those who think taking suckers to the cleaners is the natural order of things, consider what the problem with society might be.
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Wow. It looks like this post really got going over the weekend...so I'll add a little fuel to this fire.

I totally understand brand whores for clothing, cars, and accessories. These are all status symbols that provide users with a sense of success and worth. But, I just don't get it with technology.

Trends in technology, by their nature, change much faster than clothing and/or cars. A Polo shirt from 2007 is going to look very similar to a Polo shirt from 2013. A 2005 Porsche is going to look very similar to a 2013 one.

I'm sure Messrs Chanel, Gucci and Armani would beg to differ with you. :p

Clothing can be one of the most changeable things there is. If you're not seen donning what's in this season's designer catwalk shows, you're not with it, you're a square. The Kinks did a famous song about it - Dedicated Follower of Fashion. :D

But then I might be like you and don't particularly care about or wear the latest fashions, fads and trends, and will just wear polo shirts and jeans most of the time. But for some types, if your polo shirt is the wrong colour or brand for this season, or you're still wearing last year's baggy jeans, or Nikes that are more than six months old, OH NO!

Fashion and what people wear can change very much by region and country. Sure will see exactly the same Levi jeans or Nike sneakers the world over. Habits are different. In the UK many men don't seem to care at all, and will often just wear the same stuff year in year out, basically until it falls apart. Go in pretty much any charity of thrift store in the UK, and will see like ten times more women's clothes than men's clothes. I've noticed that men in China seem to care much more about their appearance, probably as much as women do. American tourists seem to be the worse dressers, especially men, IMO, I can usually spot them a mile off in places like Tiananmen Square. And if I can spot them, so can all the tea scammers and con artists. :rolleyes:

Yes, designs for cars change over time and fashion trends come and go, but they usually lasts for several years. But with technology, things move fast. Cameras, processor speeds, LTE, resolution, etc are all changing extremely quickly. And if you're not keeping up, then you're becoming obsolete.

I view the iPhone 4s like any other obsolete technology, ie it should be virtually worthless. The technology has moved way beyond that phone.

Does the iPhone 4s still work and does what it's supposed to do and work like the day it was purchased. Then I think it's not obsolete and is still useful IMO.

Conversely, if you're buying the phone for a fashion statement, I don't know who would think that a 2 year old piece of technology looks cool. You're already two iterations behind the current one. Nobody in metro-NY see an iPhone 4s (which I have to add is the same body at the 3 year old iPhone 4) and says "Whoa, that's a cool looking phone. What is it?" People say that with the Note 3 or HTC One.

The 4s is lame and anyone using it as a fashion statement needs a lesson in life.

Whether something is lame or not I think is just a matter of personal opinion. For example I use a six year old white Apple Macbook, not even an aluminium unibody one, and won't run the latest version of OS X. However it still works like the day it was purchased, can do everything I require, but some might say, oh no it's lame, dated and obsolete!

Also if one is in a country where the latest technology flagship phones are heavily subsidised on two year contracts, basically you get a new phone for almost nothing every two years I believe. Where I am, phones are not subsidised, iPhones and and high-end Samsungs can be extremely expensive and represent a significant investment for many. So there's an inclination to keep that investment going for as long as possible, rather than considering them disposable and obsolete after a fairly short time. A second hand iPhone 4/4S or even 3GS will still get a good price here. because of their desirability.

I often find the number of counterfeits can be a good barometer as to whether something is desirable or not. And there's still a heck of a lot fake iPhone 4s around. KIRF Samsung Note 2s are particularly popular as well at the moment.
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Those of you who think Ouch1976 sold a premium iPhone should reread the OP.

"I sold this 2-year old, small-screened, heavy, glass-laden, 16gb, non-expandable memory, 3G only device within 1 week for more than I can sell an HTC DNA."

And for those who think taking suckers to the cleaners is the natural order of things, consider what the problem with society might be.

He sold it for market value, what's the problem? He should give it away because he doesn't happen to like it?
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Stinky approves of your posts huh! :D



Don't shoot don't shoot! xD


heh! :D

I am secretly BAT MAN in my spare time beating up people in the streets because I don't like there clothes or the way they walk :)

but i think everyone should not give a flying fruit burger cake of pork chops about other way people look and fashion.

I agree with youz Ouch197619777676. :)

Apple has extremely good (just like google actually but google appears to me to be way more open and free. :D) marketing power just like google.

But i hear what youz is sayins... :D

apple is very clever.

they are not ethically.

but they are down right very almost ingenious understanding of human sadness depression and the need to be "accepted".

sadly they have almost 0 morality (to meez! :)) and they use this power of "look good must equal that i am "good" or worth "something""

all super bull shit really that not even the greatest sewage farms on the PLANET / GLOBE can compete / competetings there is so much turd in that crap! :D

Not even a DUNG beetle can hold so much turd to build his / her little turd house. :):):)

people should already know they ARE worth a hell of a lot - but apple uses this false and shallow depressed very unhappy society and uses this power to fool people into thinking they will be accepted.

The real truth is.... until we as the some what failure of a species we are... until we learn to accept ourselves AND others and give that love ... we will receive much more 10000 times fold in return.

When we show each other that we are ALL worth it no matter who or what you have done or have not done.... when we remind each other that we actually in truth are ALL very very very very special.... all these strange limitations and false values run away for it's life. ;)

When people start to love themselves for who they are... and when people start to love each other for who they are... this is when expensive shoes... diamond rings.... plastic surgery.... wars.... rape.... and all these scary insane things will fall away.

When people take that SO very very very important time to just take 5 minutes.... or even if it is an hour.... or even a whole day... a whole year to just sit and remind each other that we ARE all special and there is no stopping of what cannot be stopper.

This is why human rights exist today.

This is why so many people are waking up.

This is why science has helped cure many cancers, disease, computers and there is more on the horizon... this is only the beginning.

This is a wonderful era in human history.

Never before has so much been discovered.

Never before has so much great and wonderful people have come and gone.

People seem to always concentrate on the negatives and think this world is bad... this is because of something deeper that is waking up... a need for always improving... always inventing... a need for love.

Everyone needs it.

Everybody does. ;)

People used to be extremely racist and full of shit.

I KNOW things have never been better.

In the past there were WARS going on with everyone SHOOTING each other ALL OVER the place.

Forget about a freaking cell phone and "how much you spend on it"!


Can you not see my friend how sill that sounds? :)

The times they are wonderfully a changin... but your sorrow comes because you want to go the full 100 miles and you struggle to understand these peoples bizzare sorrow.

Me too. :)

But remember it is part of a much bigger picture. ;)

listen to this wonderful song. I know it will help. :)

embrace... but I think we both know you already have brother. ;)

And listen to THIS song! :D


It is here. ;)

we seem to be moving to something so wonderful it feels like society is looking for "flawlessness".

when the most wonderful we know is love. ;)

Now why don't you give some one that hug? :)

I just gave you one wether you like it or not! :D
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Here's an article about the high cost of broadband here, and why some get left out.

The Cost of Connectivity 2013 | NewAmerica.org

Some in rural areas get nothing if they can't get or afford satellite.

I saw something on the Beeb about that - US prices are unbelievable! :eek:

If you want a crystal clear demonstration of when unfettered capitalism fails, that's it right there!

My (unlimited) broadband/phone/TV (as I have Freeview) costs me a shade under $28 per month - less than half the cheapest place the article listed in the US (DC - $68).

The reason the rest of the world is cheaper than the US appears to be that regulation has ensured actual competition, unlike in the US where 'unfettered' capitalism ensures many telcos have local monopolies which they - of course - exploit / use to squeeze customers 'til the pips squeak.

In the UK, BT (the former monopoly telecoms company) is forced to rent it's 'final mile' copper to other broadband providers and to allow them to install hardware in BT's exchanges. This ensures other broadband providers can sell services without having to build an entire network from scratch while BT are still paid for their infrastructure.

BT still make vast profits and are still (I believe) the broadband market leader, but their prices are reasonable (at least compared with the US). My super-cheap service is from a BT subsidiary (PlusNet).
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Unfettered capitalism? Hah.

What that article doesn't mention is the number of restrictive laws that PREVENT competition and capitalism here. For example, in many places in NC, its outright illegal for a telecoms company to install interent without a license/permission, which is given by local governments, to... One state at a time. Its the biggest hurdle that Google ran into with Google Fiber. That's not capitalism, its cronyism.

If not for those laws, there WOULDN'T BE most local monopolies. Same for the FCC and cell companies.

So far as forcing people to rent out the "last mile", that's not really pro-competition, it just ensures a bigger wallet for the one doing the renting, after they pay a higher initial cost on a higher-performance system.

It's not a capitalistic monopoly, its a State-enforced monopoly- the only kind that's long-term sustainable without a third party coming in and changing the game. Combine that with the fact that Americans as a whole don't demand lower prices from their company en masse, and think that cell phones are cheaper to maintain than landlines, and you have expensive broadband and cell services.
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Didn't know about those license issues ..

The 'last mile' regulations in the UK don't prevent other companies from building their own networks: our sole cable provider (now owned by Liberty Global) has built a - mainly fibre-optic - network. They're not even forced to open their final mile - which I think is completely wrong: if BT are forced to open their final mile, all providers should be .. but of course, as in the US, rich companies tend to get things their own way*.

On the other hand, BT are being handed billions of taxpayer's money to build a fibre-optic network, particularly into rural areas. Other companies were asked to bid to build parts of this new network, but none did.

* the only reason BT was forced to open up is that they were govt owned and prior to privatisation, rich companies 'persuaded' the govt to force them to open their infrastructure and later, other rich companies 'persuaded' the govt to extended this to broadband.
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I'm sure Messrs Chanel, Gucci and Armani would beg to differ with you. :p

Clothing can be one of the most changeable things there is. If you're not seen donning what's in this season's designer catwalk shows, you're not with it, you're a square. The Kinks did a famous song about it - Dedicated Follower of Fashion. :D

But then I might be like you and don't particularly care about or wear the latest fashions, fads and trends, and will just wear polo shirts and jeans most of the time. But for some types, if your polo shirt is the wrong colour or brand for this season, or you're still wearing last year's baggy jeans, or Nikes that are more than six months old, OH NO!

Fashion and what people wear can change very much by region and country. Sure will see exactly the same Levi jeans or Nike sneakers the world over. Habits are different. In the UK many men don't seem to care at all, and will often just wear the same stuff year in year out, basically until it falls apart. Go in pretty much any charity of thrift store in the UK, and will see like ten times more women's clothes than men's clothes. I've noticed that men in China seem to care much more about their appearance, probably as much as women do. American tourists seem to be the worse dressers, especially men, IMO, I can usually spot them a mile off in places like Tiananmen Square. And if I can spot them, so can all the tea scammers and con artists. :rolleyes:

Does the iPhone 4s still work and does what it's supposed to do and work like the day it was purchased. Then I think it's not obsolete and is still useful IMO.

Whether something is lame or not I think is just a matter of personal opinion. For example I use a six year old white Apple Macbook, not even an aluminium unibody one, and won't run the latest version of OS X. However it still works like the day it was purchased, can do everything I require, but some might say, oh no it's lame, dated and obsolete!

Also if one is in a country where the latest technology flagship phones are heavily subsidised on two year contracts, basically you get a new phone for almost nothing every two years I believe. Where I am, phones are not subsidised, iPhones and and high-end Samsungs can be extremely expensive and represent a significant investment for many. So there's an inclination to keep that investment going for as long as possible, rather than considering them disposable and obsolete after a fairly short time. A second hand iPhone 4/4S or even 3GS will still get a good price here. because of their desirability.

I often find the number of counterfeits can be a good barometer as to whether something is desirable or not. And there's still a heck of a lot fake iPhone 4s around. KIRF Samsung Note 2s are particularly popular as well at the moment.

Mssrs Armani, Gucci et al. can get lost. I've got clothes older than 10 years. I have jeans that are more patch than denim. I mostly do my own shirts, and do have people wanting them. I'm not interested. But since I do make the stuff, it does last. The Vulcan has a 20 yr old sweatshirt with argyle ultrasuede patches. Still looks brand new except for what he's slopped over the years.

There is a group of people that likes Birkenstock, Haflinger, Chaco, and Teva. Those shoe companies have come out with different styles, but the basic shoe is still the same.

I think we should stop concentrating on what people do via fashion, and look at faces and concentrate on the person themselves. The clothes don't mean much except that maybe you have more money to indulge yourself or you are easily swayed by opinion.

I buy my own phones rather than the subsidized ones. Usually can find an unlocked one somewhere. TMO is pretty good about that.

I can spot the fashionistas out here. Who else would try a dirt hiking trail with horse poop and mud in name brand sandals or those awful high heels?
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It's no more "obsolete" than many mid-range Android handsets on the market. It still functions perfectly well and meets most peoples' needs, unless they need 4G capability.

How about those using it for what is, an entry-level handset to iOS? Would you be just as dismissive of somebody buying (for example) a Galaxy S3 because they wanted a half-decent Android but couldn't afford the cost of an S4 or Note 3?

This is the gist of my original complaint. If it's an entry-level device, then it should be priced as such.
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Didn't know about those license issues ..

The 'last mile' regulations in the UK don't prevent other companies from building their own networks: our sole cable provider (now owned by Liberty Global) has built a - mainly fibre-optic - network. They're not even forced to open their final mile - which I think is completely wrong: if BT are forced to open their final mile, all providers should be .. but of course, as in the US, rich companies tend to get things their own way*.

On the other hand, BT are being handed billions of taxpayer's money to build a fibre-optic network, particularly into rural areas. Other companies were asked to bid to build parts of this new network, but none did.

* the only reason BT was forced to open up is that they were govt owned and prior to privatisation, rich companies 'persuaded' the govt to force them to open their infrastructure and later, other rich companies 'persuaded' the govt to extended this to broadband.

If its government owned, then I see no issue with it being open- that was the idea to begin with with "public" assets. At any rate, debate about openess-vs-not aside, yeah, its a licensing/permission issue in many areas. Granted, in some, the corporations lobbied for it/got it passed, but that's still not capitalism- at best, its corporatism. But GOogle had that issue with Kansas City, IIRC.

The laws differ from region to region.
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Hey Einsteins and bruizers friends! :)

YOU Americans should come on down to hell hole South Africa! :)

We don't have the ENERGY to complain about fashion and whats cool and not! ;)

Ya know why? :D

Because we ain't got ANY electricity!

Our juice... our water... violence in da streets. :)

If you wanna see a guy being burned alive because he is an "evil foreigner" from another African country and they a put a tyre around his / her neck and you can watch them being set on fire! :)

It's a blast! ;)

Sometimes our country is just so wonderfully ****** up we don't have electricity half of the day. :)

We are bad off in SA... but there are gabazillions that get shot for blinking wrong in other countries. :)

Listen to this wonderful music video song... hopefully it will make you see your wonderful country is no where near as crappy is others. :)

The world is laughing at how super ****** up our mad insane country has become! :)

The world is laughing at us. :D

A Royal **** up that not even Satan could pull off it is so monumental! :):):)


We may be super screwed in what is left of this countries cranium but there are LOADS of other crazies worse off than us. :)
Upvote 0
Stinky Stinky said:
Stinky approves of your posts huh! :D



Don't shoot don't shoot! xD


heh! :D

I am secretly BAT MAN in my spare time beating up people in the streets because I don't like there clothes or the way they walk :)

but i think everyone should not give a flying fruit burger cake of pork chops about other way people look and fashion.

I agree with youz Ouch197619777676. :)

Apple has extremely good (just like google actually but google appears to me to be way more open and free. :D) marketing power just like google.

But i hear what youz is sayins... :D

apple is very clever.

they are not ethically.

but they are down right very almost ingenious understanding of human sadness depression and the need to be "accepted".

sadly they have almost 0 morality (to meez! :)) and they use this power of "look good must equal that i am "good" or worth "something""

all super bull shit really that not even the greatest sewage farms on the PLANET / GLOBE can compete / competetings there is so much turd in that crap! :D

Not even a DUNG beetle can hold so much turd to build his / her little turd house. :):):)

people should already know they ARE worth a hell of a lot - but apple uses this false and shallow depressed very unhappy society and uses this power to fool people into thinking they will be accepted.

The real truth is.... until we as the some what failure of a species we are... until we learn to accept ourselves AND others and give that love ... we will receive much more 10000 times fold in return.

When we show each other that we are ALL worth it no matter who or what you have done or have not done.... when we remind each other that we actually in truth are ALL very very very very special.... all these strange limitations and false values run away for it's life. ;)

When people start to love themselves for who they are... and when people start to love each other for who they are... this is when expensive shoes... diamond rings.... plastic surgery.... wars.... rape.... and all these scary insane things will fall away.

When people take that SO very very very important time to just take 5 minutes.... or even if it is an hour.... or even a whole day... a whole year to just sit and remind each other that we ARE all special and there is no stopping of what cannot be stopper.

This is why human rights exist today.

This is why so many people are waking up.

This is why science has helped cure many cancers, disease, computers and there is more on the horizon... this is only the beginning.

This is a wonderful era in human history.

Never before has so much been discovered.

Never before has so much great and wonderful people have come and gone.

People seem to always concentrate on the negatives and think this world is bad... this is because of something deeper that is waking up... a need for always improving... always inventing... a need for love.

Everyone needs it.

Everybody does. ;)

People used to be extremely racist and full of shit.

I KNOW things have never been better.

In the past there were WARS going on with everyone SHOOTING each other ALL OVER the place.

Forget about a freaking cell phone and "how much you spend on it"!


Can you not see my friend how sill that sounds? :)

The times they are wonderfully a changin... but your sorrow comes because you want to go the full 100 miles and you struggle to understand these peoples bizzare sorrow.

Me too. :)

But remember it is part of a much bigger picture. ;)

listen to this wonderful song. I know it will help. :)

embrace... but I think we both know you already have brother. ;)

And listen to THIS song! :D


It is here. ;)

we seem to be moving to something so wonderful it feels like society is looking for "flawlessness".

when the most wonderful we know is love. ;)

Now why don't you give some one that hug? :)

I just gave you one wether you like it or not! :D

Stinky, I love your rants, especially when they make so much sense like this!

SiempreTuna said:
I saw something on the Beeb about that - US prices are unbelievable! :eek:

If you want a crystal clear demonstration of when unfettered capitalism fails, that's it right there!

My (unlimited) broadband/phone/TV (as I have Freeview) costs me a shade under $28 per month - less than half the cheapest place the article listed in the US (DC - $68).

The reason the rest of the world is cheaper than the US appears to be that regulation has ensured actual competition, unlike in the US where 'unfettered' capitalism ensures many telcos have local monopolies which they - of course - exploit / use to squeeze customers 'til the pips squeak.

In the UK, BT (the former monopoly telecoms company) is forced to rent it's 'final mile' copper to other broadband providers and to allow them to install hardware in BT's exchanges. This ensures other broadband providers can sell services without having to build an entire network from scratch while BT are still paid for their infrastructure.

BT still make vast profits and are still (I believe) the broadband market leader, but their prices are reasonable (at least compared with the US). My super-cheap service is from a BT subsidiary (PlusNet).

This actually is symptom of the opposite of unfettered capitalism, it's the product of chronyism. If it were unfettered capitalism, all internet providers would be allowed to compete in the same region, therefore keeping prices competitive. Unfortunately, this is not the case. There are a few major cable/internet companies (Time Warner, Comcast, Charter, SBC, etc...) a few smaller companies (Frontier, Cox) and a few very small providers (T6B in our area).

Cable/internet companies enter into agreements with local governments for exclusivity. In my city, Comcast is the major player, Frontier is second, and T6B is the third. All three charge about the same rate (though T6B is more expensive). It's really only between Frontier and Comcast, there's nothing to check the price. The price difference is negligible. What we are looking at here isn't really a monopoly or capitalism, but oligopoly.

Now, were it unfettered capitalism, Comcast, Charter, Cox, SBC, Frontier, etc... would all be allowed to compete in the same region. They would all be forced to compete for the same number of potential customers. So, certis paribus, lower prices will be the natural outcome.
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