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When iPad mini comes at $199...

Apple is just an overpriced waste of time...Nexus is all that and more, Apple just wants $$ not to please the people.

Hey now, not so fast. People love the iPad and people are not universally stupid sheeple. I bought an iPad because at the time, nothing else could compare. I will purchase an iPad 3 in a few months and I am getting value for my dollars.

I have looked at a few of the latest tablets from Android and again, as far as I am concerned, nothing on the lighter side can compete.
In all honesty , there are some things that the ipad is able to do, that android tablets just don't do right now.. recording music track by track is one of them.. ableton, fender fuse, logic pro... none of these apps are supported the same way in android... it sucks too.. I love android... but I had to get an ipad3 just for recording....recording using the built in mic isn't going to cut it for serious recording...

Its not that android isn't capable.. it just hasn't been developed yet..

As far as a 199$ tab... eh, who knows. It would make them more attractive to many consumers...
Nope. Apple doesn't need to make a $199 tablet. Apple does not and certainly will not race competitors to the bottom. Sure they could throw out cheap tablets for less $ but this is not the way apple works. Apple has built a luxury electronics company. Note that I do struggle to say that but I believe it.

As far as the N7 vs iPad. Google has the N7 to gain market share. Google prices their products extremely competitively. Google wants as many android devices in as many peoples hands because the more android devices sold the more goggles services get used and the more ads get clicked. This is goggles soul revenue and the strategy makes sense for them. Not for apple.
Nope. Apple doesn't need to make a $199 tablet. Apple does not and certainly will not race competitors to the bottom. Sure they could throw out cheap tablets for less $ but this is not the way apple works. Apple has built a luxury electronics company. Note that I do struggle to say that but I believe it.

I think some people assume that a 199.00 iPad would be cheaply made. Not sure a 199.00 iPad is a race to the bottom. I think a 7-inch iPad is something many people seem to want, however.

I do think many people would/will purchase one because it is (if it ever arrives, that is) an iPad. Nothing wrong with that because when one purchases an iDevice, they are purchasing a quality product.

And if you purchase one, apparently, if you drop it and break it, Apple tends to simply replace it. Lots of people have reported this is their experience. Perhaps the same policy applies to Android tablets, Bob is not sure.

And no, I am not saying Android tablets are crap. Some are terrible, but the name brands are generally well made.
I think some people assume that a 199.00 iPad would be cheaply made. Not sure a 199.00 iPad is a race to the bottom. I think a 7-inch iPad is something many people seem to want, however.

I do think many people would/will purchase one because it is (if it ever arrives, that is) an iPad. Nothing wrong with that because when one purchases an iDevice, they are purchasing a quality product.

And if you purchase one, apparently, if you drop it and break it, Apple tends to simply replace it. Lots of people have reported this is their experience. Perhaps the same policy applies to Android tablets, Bob is not sure.

And no, I am not saying Android tablets are crap. Some are terrible, but the name brands are generally well made.

I hope I didn't imply it would be cheaply made. I'm sure if apple did enter the $200 tablet market it would be of apple quality but historically speaking competing on price points is not the way apple operates and I doubt they will anytime soon. I would love a 7inch iPad for $200 ;)
Don't forget that the Nexus 7 is sold at cost. Meaning, Apple can NEVER match it at the same price point.
I hope I didn't imply it would be cheaply made. I'm sure if apple did enter the $200 tablet market it would be of apple quality but historically speaking competing on price points is not the way apple operates and I doubt they will anytime soon. I would love a 7inch iPad for $200 ;)

Jobs is gone so anything can happen.

The next leader might put profits ahead of Apple traditions and do all sorts of things like a really cheap iPhone or licensing iOS. Nobody except a few insiders know what will happen and even if the spirit of Jobs were still hanging about, the company can change, evolve or morph into something Jobs would never allow.

We must ignore the web, the bloggers, the insiders with "secret" info and wait until Apple announces the new product. No guarantee we will see a smaller iPad.

If I were making such decisions, a 200.00 iPad would sell well and many people thinking about Android tablets might go for it. Didn't Jobs say he wanted to kill Android?
Don't forget that the Nexus 7 is sold at cost. Meaning, Apple can NEVER match it at the same price point.

Are you sure about that?

If a 200.00 iPad arrives and sells by the millions, it really does not matter if the Nexus 7 sells at cost. Only time and sales figures will tell who wins.
Well now what am I supposed to call the iPod Touch? I have been calling that the iPad mini ever since the iPad came out haha.

Not sure if Apple would go 199 for that, as mentioned look at the cost of the iPod Touch... though it wouldn't be a bad idea on their end it would make their product be available to many more people.
Hmm... I'm not seeing it. I do see the appeal to that form factor, but I'm not seeing that price point. As mentioned several times, it's too low. I'd bet that a 7in iPad would would be more than $300.

Who knows, I'll guess we'll see.
Well I"m sure the N7 and Fire sales will drop no matter what the price of the Mini, but then again this is the first time Apple is going with the flow instead of initiating it...
No matter what price, the ipad mini will sell like hotcakes to the fanboi base who buy anything the mother ship tells them to buy. They will line up where they're told for maximum media exposure. They'll wait patiently with blank stares and zombie smiles while Steve Wozniak is interviewed and they'll read Walt Mossberg's and MG Seigler's glowing reviews (written before the item is even produced) to pass the time . If you listen closely, you can here their faint "baaaa" sounds even now. What will be interesting to see is how this and the ipad5's larger screen size affect the whole fragmentation argument. The fanboi press has gone on and on how the iworld works better because they only have 1 or two screen sizes to support. Fragmentation is baaaad. Now they're going to have several sizes and resolutions just like Android to support.

As predictable as the ice caps melting, Apple will apply for and get a patent for the 7" screen and sue Samsung sometime later.
It wouldn't matter to me if they were handing them out for 50 dollars I still would not drop 1 cent in the pot to own one. I refuse to support apple and their obvious "Sue Method" to help keep the giant a float. Personally I hope that the lack of sales becomes so strong it forces them to shut down and just go away. While that may never happen I still pray for it. Apple has lost me before they ever won me. All not because of the product but how they choose to run the company. I can't, must not, should not, will not support them. Would rather sign my loyalty over to "Shuddering at the thought" Microsoft. However Android will not be going anywhere any time soon so don't have to live that night mare either.
So completely off topic but does anybody know how to connect to wifi on an droid that no longer has service. Cause I changed to an iPhone and there are some things I found out i can do on a droid without jailbreaking/rooting that you can't on an iphone
Saw the Nexus 7 on display in a local store for $249. Will Apple take a loss to beat this? How about the Kindle? I see they have 5 new models in the works.

I won't buy anything Apple, either. Overhyped and it's just an OS with its own bugs and foibles same as any OS. All marketing is so much bull, anyway. I'll stick with the devil I know.
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