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When will we see Android Pie?

Samsung's oven is off by several degrees, it needs to be calibrated. The baking process takes much longer than it should.

Ha! You don't realise how true that is. We bought a Samsung oven which took over 30 minutes to heat up to cooking temperature. I've never bought such a useless oven. Samsung, please stick to TVs, hard disc drives, and phones. That's what you're good at. ;)
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Samsung may take longer than the other phone manufacturers to provide a software update to the next version of Android, but they always have at least released 1 update for each of their devices that bumps them to the next version of Android; heck, they've even had a few where they released 2 step updates (knock on wood). I've had a lot of their devices and they have yet to disappoint. I would be surprised if they didn't for their biggest flagship phone to date. I hate to say it, but I don't expect the update to Pie on AT&T Note 9 until Q1 2019.

As for the update, the timing is another thing all together. There is a lot going on (mainly because Samsung and the various phone carriers want to put their spin and junkware on the update).
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I have also received in oneplus6

To be fair unlike Samsung, which has dozens of models and hundreds of variants of them, OnePlus only currently has one or two phones in their whole range, and only three variants of them(North America, China, and a rest-of-the-world variant). So they can roll-out new Android versions quite promptly.
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I've been a beta tester for the Note 9 Android 9/One UI firmware. We have been on Beta 3 since December and we're seeing reports of a rollout! The consensus of participants, including ME, is that this firmware is not ready for prime time. There are still issues that need to be resolved: so I really hope that these reports are rumors and not an actual OTA of Android 9. Yes, it's a fantastic improvement over Android 8.1 and Experience 9. But it will be a PITA if it's rolled out right now. This is yet another instance in which patience pays off.
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Warning, incoming rant!!!

I just got the update today on VZW, and like most major updates, it sucks! Perhaps it's just my personal opinion, perhaps others may agree. One thing right off the bat, the clock shifted to the left side of my notification bar. No option to move it. Why?... because the S10 has the dumb full screen with the dumb hole punch selfie cameras. Well guess what? The S9 and Note9 do not have this, so why make it a universal thing rather than device specific? I was able to hack it and move it back to the right side where it belongs. If you wish to do that, here's the instructions. Proceed at your own risk.


Second thing, Always On Display. The clock I use is smaller now, doesn't show owner information, doesn't have background option. (Notification icons are now colored, which is cool, but that's about all it's got going for it)

Third thing, The "Full screen" experience is lame. If you don't have the nav bar set to gestures, the nav bar won't auto hide like it use to, so full screen apps (that you can't change display settings on, because they're "optimized" for full screen) are proportionately hidden behind the nav bar. So changing this to the new gesture setting solves that problem, but it's just another change that I'll have to get used to.

I don't mind new features, but what pisses me off more than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest is that when these new features come out, they don't keep the old features giving us the option to change it back. Yet, let's still preach that Android is all about customization. Well, whether it's Google, Samsung, or any carrier, I feel like lately, my customizing options are getting slimmer and slimmer with each new version of Android.

Lastly (for now) I have my phone set to not auto update system. In Developer options, "Auto update system" is ticked OFF. Yet this morning, I see a funny icon on my always on display. I wake up the phone, and low and behold, "New software has been downloaded and is ready to install" WTF? I thought it was just a monthly security update, so I proceeded. Now I'm stuck with this goofy BS that I didn't want.

My message to everyone who gets a new phone, then is always anxious to get the update to the next version of Android... THE GRASS IS NOT ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE
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You've got a Verizon phone. Most US carriers force updates regardless of settings. That's not a Google thing or a Samsung thing, it's a Verizon thing.

There are many apps that let you control immersive mode, so you could try one of them. But you may as well get used to the gestures, since I doubt Android Q will have the old buttons - just like the menu button eventually went from every device, you can't keep a legacy interface indefinitely.
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Well, FINALLY. The morning after the official beta closed, I finally got the update. The Android 9 / One UI update is rolling out to unlocked and Verizon devices - and even to us poor schmucks who beta tested the thing and got left in the dust by Samsung. Nice to be on official firmware again!

You're gonna LOVE One UI!
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