You are mistaken. Highly specialized and highly trained professionals, like MDs or technical PhDs, sometimes even JDs, that go in with professional degrees already in hand start out as officers (usually O2 or O3, sometimes even O4) and if their specialty has no realistic need for being at the front line, they are not given any weapons or tactical training. They certainly do not go through "basic training"
Edited to add: The type of commission is called a "Direct Commission". People joining the service on a Direct Commission attend "Officer Indoctrination School" not basic training or "Officer Candidate School"
You can read about it at:
Direct commission officer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of if you are the type that does not trust Wikipedia and are too lazy to personally follow the links to the source material at the bottom to verify the information, you can read about it at:
Army Health Care (AMEDD) |