Well-Known Member
As we all know on the 29th of July 2007 a revolution happened.
Not just a revolution, a lifestyle. A standard. Not just a brand but an invention that will do down in the history books. The iPhone was released up onto the world and the world dropped it's jaw, drooled and down right peed a little.
The iPhone was not only a beautiful piece of craftsmanship aesthetically, but also under the hood it was a masterpiece. We all wanted one. Most of us got one, the rest went to college(they could still afford it).
So yeah, past the dramatics Apple did this simply amazing thing. They built a phone and used the glorious reputation of the iPod to make it into a monster.
They made the whole thing. In fact just about the only thing they didn't make was SIM card!
Apple then said they could do one better, they can give customers something actually worth having rather than a fancy brick. They said "Let's give them 3G" And so came the iPhone 3G. Then Apple said they could do one better. They said "Let's make it faster". And so came the iPhone 3GS.
In the making of these new, faster beasts Apple gave them ammo. It gave them the Appstore and Mobile me.
Now, Larry Page and Sergey Brinback in 1998 decided they wanted to take over the world. They founded: Google. In 2005 Google 'acquired' a small company named: (you guessed it) Android.
On 5 November 2007 Google attended the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies which include Texas Instruments, Broadcom Corporation HTC, Intel, LG, Marvell Technology Group, Motorola, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile and announced their goal to set a new standard for Mobile Phones.
So, fast forward to 22nd of October 2008 and Google says 'World! I give you the HTC Dream!' And we cheered, for Google who we all know and love, master of homepages, overloard of search engines and giver of quick and easy mail that is Google....wait did they say HTC Dream?
Ah alas, the point of this novel. Since the launch of The Dream there has been at least 18 android phones. How many iPhones are there? Technically? 3...but all the same, there is one iPhone. ONE iPhone.
So now we have iPhone. Thousands upon Thousands of apps all verified and checked and compatible with all 3 iPhone. And we have the Dream, The hero, The Eris, The Droid, The Pulse, The Tattoo, The Nexus one...etc etc etc... All different. Some have resistant touch screens the other has WVGA capactive screen, one has 3.2 mega pixels the other has 5 another has a flash on and on and on of differences who have a few thousand apps (not complaining about number, but come on...most a bloody soundboards!) which will work on one and brick another and cause a tornado in poland. Lack of quality control is my point here.
Now, this can be a good thing yes. We can afford the Pulse and get android for all it glory even if we can't afford the Hero or Droid.
Okay not ALL it's glory and the pulse is resistive touch screen..
so multi touch apps (if there ever are any out there) are useless.
We can have FULL (don't mention the Eris) access to the software to do what we please and we can edit this and root the phones and makes our own apps. Similar to how you can make your own apps on iPhone but then without the guarantee of it working on all phone.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for Android. I wouldn't give my Hero up for an iPhone. I love the community and the Apps that can be downloaded which Apple wouldn't dream of publishing. But...come on.
Google REALLY need to step up game.
I don't think they're pacing themselves.
Okay all the carriers and manufacturers want android.
But google need to say no!
Google need to, instead of releasing a new phone (Nexus one)
They need to be concentrating on helping the manufacturers getting up to speed with new Firmware.
Google need to say no to some, quite frankly...appalling apps.
Seriously how many Quagmire soundboards do we need?
In my opinion Google should have had The Google Phone.
HSPDA, GPS, WVGA, BT, 5MP, flash and full QWERTY.
A phone which could handle all the deserts of cupcakes and donuts and eclairs.
Of course, this would make things a little dearer.
But more reliable.
No malicious banking software and 'flashlight' apps that need to connect to the internet and read your phone state.
So The Market only displays apps that are compatible with your firmware.
Why not have it so it only shows apps compatible with your phone?
Things just aren't as simple and clean as the iPhone.
Too many handsets.
Not enough support.
Not enough fans.
If i'm honest, in my opinion the Android OS is only suitable for the tech savvy. Or maybe tech intrigued is better.
Whereas the iphone. Simple. There's no choosing which one. No testing if the app works, no force closes and no updates pending while they're still rolling out other devices.
So to finish. I'd like to point out 3 things I think Google should do:
Slow down.(Quality not quantity)
A Market clean out.
Only give people what they can use.
Oh and maybe multi touch maps aswell.
I thank you, if you've made it this far.
Not just a revolution, a lifestyle. A standard. Not just a brand but an invention that will do down in the history books. The iPhone was released up onto the world and the world dropped it's jaw, drooled and down right peed a little.
The iPhone was not only a beautiful piece of craftsmanship aesthetically, but also under the hood it was a masterpiece. We all wanted one. Most of us got one, the rest went to college(they could still afford it).
So yeah, past the dramatics Apple did this simply amazing thing. They built a phone and used the glorious reputation of the iPod to make it into a monster.
They made the whole thing. In fact just about the only thing they didn't make was SIM card!
Apple then said they could do one better, they can give customers something actually worth having rather than a fancy brick. They said "Let's give them 3G" And so came the iPhone 3G. Then Apple said they could do one better. They said "Let's make it faster". And so came the iPhone 3GS.
In the making of these new, faster beasts Apple gave them ammo. It gave them the Appstore and Mobile me.
Now, Larry Page and Sergey Brinback in 1998 decided they wanted to take over the world. They founded: Google. In 2005 Google 'acquired' a small company named: (you guessed it) Android.
On 5 November 2007 Google attended the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies which include Texas Instruments, Broadcom Corporation HTC, Intel, LG, Marvell Technology Group, Motorola, Nvidia, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile and announced their goal to set a new standard for Mobile Phones.
So, fast forward to 22nd of October 2008 and Google says 'World! I give you the HTC Dream!' And we cheered, for Google who we all know and love, master of homepages, overloard of search engines and giver of quick and easy mail that is Google....wait did they say HTC Dream?
Ah alas, the point of this novel. Since the launch of The Dream there has been at least 18 android phones. How many iPhones are there? Technically? 3...but all the same, there is one iPhone. ONE iPhone.
So now we have iPhone. Thousands upon Thousands of apps all verified and checked and compatible with all 3 iPhone. And we have the Dream, The hero, The Eris, The Droid, The Pulse, The Tattoo, The Nexus one...etc etc etc... All different. Some have resistant touch screens the other has WVGA capactive screen, one has 3.2 mega pixels the other has 5 another has a flash on and on and on of differences who have a few thousand apps (not complaining about number, but come on...most a bloody soundboards!) which will work on one and brick another and cause a tornado in poland. Lack of quality control is my point here.
Now, this can be a good thing yes. We can afford the Pulse and get android for all it glory even if we can't afford the Hero or Droid.
Okay not ALL it's glory and the pulse is resistive touch screen..
so multi touch apps (if there ever are any out there) are useless.
We can have FULL (don't mention the Eris) access to the software to do what we please and we can edit this and root the phones and makes our own apps. Similar to how you can make your own apps on iPhone but then without the guarantee of it working on all phone.
Don't get me wrong. I'm all for Android. I wouldn't give my Hero up for an iPhone. I love the community and the Apps that can be downloaded which Apple wouldn't dream of publishing. But...come on.
Google REALLY need to step up game.
I don't think they're pacing themselves.
Okay all the carriers and manufacturers want android.
But google need to say no!
Google need to, instead of releasing a new phone (Nexus one)
They need to be concentrating on helping the manufacturers getting up to speed with new Firmware.
Google need to say no to some, quite frankly...appalling apps.
Seriously how many Quagmire soundboards do we need?
In my opinion Google should have had The Google Phone.
HSPDA, GPS, WVGA, BT, 5MP, flash and full QWERTY.
A phone which could handle all the deserts of cupcakes and donuts and eclairs.
Of course, this would make things a little dearer.
But more reliable.
No malicious banking software and 'flashlight' apps that need to connect to the internet and read your phone state.
So The Market only displays apps that are compatible with your firmware.
Why not have it so it only shows apps compatible with your phone?
Things just aren't as simple and clean as the iPhone.
Too many handsets.
Not enough support.
Not enough fans.
If i'm honest, in my opinion the Android OS is only suitable for the tech savvy. Or maybe tech intrigued is better.
Whereas the iphone. Simple. There's no choosing which one. No testing if the app works, no force closes and no updates pending while they're still rolling out other devices.
So to finish. I'd like to point out 3 things I think Google should do:
Slow down.(Quality not quantity)
A Market clean out.
Only give people what they can use.
Oh and maybe multi touch maps aswell.
I thank you, if you've made it this far.