My college has upped the stakes. They take a regular textbook, tear it apart, reassemble the chapters in a different order, ditch a few of the chapters, add some others from previous editions, and slap a "designed specifically for This College" banner on the front cover. Add a massive markup and find some professors who don't even use the text to teach the class and there ya have it.
This enrages me beyond belief. Yes, they are doing it legally - apparently they pay for the rights, which may account for the markup. This has happened with several of my Math classes and both computer classes I've had. Of course the professors then had us use computer programs (Course Compass, My Math Lab, My IT Lab) for 95% of the homework and quizzes. Even my Western Religions course textbook was one of these "speshully" designed books. The original book was fantastic; it had both Western and Eastern religions in it and more information in each chapter. It would have been like buying two books in one - very cool for when I decide to take the Eastern Religions course. The college edition was more expensive than the original and parsed down into 12 chapters, 3 of which we used - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, naturally. (Yeah, I didn't get no Santeria...)
One could try to contact the professor before term starts and ask how necessary the text is or if an older, cheaper edition would be okay. Unfortunately, I've only ever had one get back to me before term (Math) and he told me I definitely needed the book. No, no I didn't. Added bonus, I think the email annoyed him so class was decidedly uncomfortable.
Textbooks are usually a scam*.
*except for my precious history books! ;-)