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Help Why did my DInc send me a text message?


So yesterday I received a text message from my myself. This was a multimedia message, when i oppened it and hit play it was some stupid song playing, i am currently rooted, could it be an app, addware? The strange thing is that the message has my phone number as the from sender part? Anyone else experienced this issue?
No this has not happened to me. However it strikes me as quite odd that you would receive a message from yourself, immediately open it and run the attachment. How is it that your computer is not just full of viruses?

Advice for any other people who read this thread. If you receive an email, text, or anything from someone suspicious (that includes yourself!) and it has an attachment; delete it immediately. Do NOT run the attachment.
Don't be so harsh guys, hindsight is always 20/20. No, you shouldn't open things, but curiosity has gotten the best of all of us.

OP - Virus's on Android are extremely rare, almost non-existent. You are probably fine. However, I would play it safe and wipe your phone and backup with the last known working backup. DO NOT do a backup now and use that, you'll just backup whatever crazyness is going on.
Yeah i was currious as i have never had this happen to me before. Curiousity got the better of me, with my pc i would not open it, but a wireless phone who cares. I will back up from a previous save.
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