Wow! I got some really good answers! I'd really like to try a high end Android, but I'm tired of buying and reselling the phone if I don't like it. I might just go sell my iPhone and buy a G2X. Or is there another phone(GSM) that matches the iPhone 4's screen?
Screen is
one of the best around though I wouldn't personally be happy with the size of it. WAY too small for me
In the gaming category Android is not even competing with iOS quantity or quality wise. Even in the SAME exact app the iOS version is usually has more features or is updated before the Android version (ESPN Sportcenter and Facebook for example).
Usually has more features is NOT a factual statement from where i'm sitting. I get what your saying but essentially this is NOT just a place to share facts, Its a place to share ideas/opinions/rumors/facts/etc.... See what I'm getting at?
This isnt this is just really about the facts. iOS apps have been released earlier and usually run better. There is no problem to prefer Android over iOS or the otherwise but you make it seem like there is not a big difference but iOS has more big time development companies behind it than Android at the moment.
How can you say this is just about facts then say 'ios apps
usually run better'??? You have EVERY right to say that but in truth how can you deny that it is simply an opinion?
The only software Android has over iOS those that are apart of the google services (which are mostly good).
Again... opinion. Try not to focus on absolutes, just because you have experienced something or had something work a certain way doesn't mean it is true for EVERYONE.
Now of course customization isnt like this out of the box but it is not hard to achieve these results. And before people throw out the "i dont want to jailbreak" statement why exactly would you NOT jailbreak your iPhone. I dont see how any member of the Android community can go through the hassle of flashing roms, kernals, side loading apps, and so on but would not want to JB which only involves turning your phone on and off and connecting it to the computer.
One; its not a hassle, also; you can't deny that it is easier to customize out of box on a android, and there is the difference on how apple views JB'ing compared to how google looks at rooting (lets not forget about googles rooting community/devs)
As has been posted before numerous posters are those exact "zealots" you hate on the other side of the fence. Everything I posted is true, and if not say otherwise. You are chastising me for telling the truth isnt that what whole point of these whole message boards are for to share REAL information. There are some members on here that believe that you cant even change your wallpaper on iOS there is so much misinformation spread that it is sad.
I agree that the bolded statement^ is an issue [i thought that at one point, (was it ever true?)]
But like i said before the POINT of the boards is to have DISCUSSIONS. Facts/rumors/opinions are ALL welcome here.
What is not welcome is name calling and being rude to members. Not specifically calling you out either southzez, but let this be a warning to all. Trolling/name calling/rudeness/etc will not be tolerated!! The PURPOSE of this paticular thread is the OP wanted to know why android users preferred Android over Ios. The minute we get away from that then this thread will have outlived its usefulness and get closed. I for one would like to see the discussion continue in a civil manner. Remember there is NO right/wrong answer
Still, thanks for ruining a perfectly civilised discussion, (i'm at least partly to blame, long weekend, tired, i bit the zealot/troll). Mods will now close thread. Thanks, zealot/troll.
If/when a MOD deems this thread needs closed we will do so. Don't like something you see then !report it and
let us deal with it.
I mention it because a lot of people think Jailbreaking is some long process and some other posters think you cant customize at all which is not true. It is as easy to jailbreak an iOS device as it is to turn of and on your phone. I get what you mean saying Android is more customizable out of the box which is true. You have more options for UI out of the box and have many options for launchers and skins.
Good info^ this is the kind of discussion we encourage
Though if/when user wants to know why certain people think ios is better than android then they need to ask for that info (and they would have better luck in a iphone forum setting for that, though there are some who can remain objective as they they have shown in this thread)
You come on here saying you want reasons why people prefer android, but your mind is obviously already made up. I could list a dozen reasons, but there are things about iPhone that I believe is better too. But for me, android is the right choice. For you, I think you should stick with iPhone. If you like it so much, why stray? I am grateful we have so many choices in smartphone platforms. (btw, those screenshots are just icons to open apps, nothing like what I can do with my homescreens).
Please note that the OP asking the question is not the same as the person posting about apple. OP asks very valid question and even if they have no intention of switching they have every right to hear everyones
I'm really starting to like Android's features. I'm definitely going to go to T-Mobile and AT&T to check out some Android phones. So do you guys think the G2X is good? How about the HTC Impression?<---That's gonna be cool, but how is HTC Sense 3.0? Is it good at all or does it make it look like a toy? What do you guys think? G2x, Impression, or Galaxy S II? Which will have/has a better screen(ppi)? Thanks, and lets please keep this civilized...

Sorry just found out that HTC Sense 3.0 hasn't been released yet(???). Not sure...
Your question seemed important so I moved to its own thread in here:
Android Lounge - Android Forums
link to thread: