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Why does my Evo think I'm in Detroit?


Android Enthusiast
The World Clock app thinks my current location is Detroit and I can't seem to disabuse it of that notion. I am actually near Washington. This minor problem has persisted since release day.
It happens some times. Mine used to say I was in Paris, LOL!!

You can set a shorter frequency per update, that should resolve it more quickly.
The World Clock app thinks my current location is Detroit and I can't seem to disabuse it of that notion. I am actually near Washington. This minor problem has persisted since release day.

When I go to AppsMenu-Clock-World clock-
there is a clock for "Detroit" that I cant delete it. And even though I dont see it, Its killing me !
My clock / weather widget used to say I'm in Providence, RI when I'm in the DC area. I had to manually set the location, which was a bummer.
all you need to do is add another clock. then delete the old one there has to be atleast 1 time in there and thats your prob
Same problem with my incredible. In DC right now, it thinks I'm in Detroit. It also thinks the time on the east coast is 2pm (same as Detroit). I can delete every city on the world clock except for 'current' (detroit) and 'home' (eastern time). If i were to add a calendar event while it's being stupid like this, that event would be listed on the calendar as being in Detroit time.
Yea, mine says Chicago and when I type in a different location, it says the location doesn't exist. This thing is pretty worthless - especially for being so prominent on the main page of the phone.
why would anyone with a sane mind move to anywhere in michigan
Because for less than the price of a subsidized evo, you can buy a house.

And, for a about the monthly price of the Evo $10/month plan, you can pay the mortgage on a house that could actually pass an inspection.

The Evo may be big, but it isn't 900 square feet (I'm assuming the houses you hear selling for $100 aren't that big.)
It thinks I'm in Kansas when the GPS isn't on.

I guess I should name my Evo Dorthy and tell her we're not in Kansas anymore. :P
The World Clock app thinks my current location is Detroit and I can't seem to disabuse it of that notion. I am actually near Washington. This minor problem has persisted since release day.

My friend had the same problem with the Incredible... turn on your GPS and refresh... should fix it for you.
if you wanna fix this problem just go to settings and check the box in location that says "use wireless networks"
Because for less than the price of a subsidized evo, you can buy a house.

And, for a about the monthly price of the Evo $10/month plan, you can pay the mortgage on a house that could actually pass an inspection.

The Evo may be big, but it isn't 900 square feet (I'm assuming the houses you hear selling for $100 aren't that big.)

Given that I'm from Detroit, I'll give you this: it's a great place to be from.


We're Not Detroit!

(bummer that it won't play embedded... it's pretty good - I encourage watching that one)

Meanwhile again....

Detroit Sux - But Why?

Meanwhile - ready to trade mine for someone in Boise....
Why does my Evo think I'm in Detroit?

The World Clock app thinks my current location is Detroit and I can't seem to disabuse it of that notion. I am actually near Washington. This minor problem has persisted since release day.

Hmm... has it seen you shoot anybody recently?
Okay, now that I see how you guys act towards Detroit in this forum, and actually think that you can buy a house with anywhere near the price of a Evo 4g, this second post is my last.
Hint Hint: Houses go for $20K at the very least, that's with the house gutted.
Horrible Forum.

EDIT: I didn't notice you guys were being sarcastic. Sorry. read down further for explanation.
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