One experience? Nah, not even close. That was just the most recent. I switched to Mac 5 years ago but deciided to give Windows 7 a shot with the HP laptop a few months ago and I regretted it to say the least. I have had tons of bad experiences with non Mac products, mostly poorly made computers and tons of viruses crashing hard drives. Switching to Mac was the easiest and best choice I have made, glad that Acer works for you though and you can't beat the price.
Bad HDDs do happen. But Mac is no better or worse than Windows. For every Win hater out there, one can find a Mac hater. For every Windows machine out there with problems, there is a Mac with issues. In many cases, I suspect, the reports you read come from clueless people that make their own problems.
And there is no shortage of people --usually newbies--that hear the Mac is bulletproof and they spread the BS along. They believe what they read on the net and they really do not know if their Macs are better.
Lots of well engineered and constructed Windows computers out there. Mac build quality is good, but they are not the only company making well built machines.
Not absolutely certain of this, but does Apple make their own hard drives, PCBs, memory, or LCDs? It is likely that the manufacturers of Apple drives also makes them for Acer, HP, Dell, and others. So I am not sold on the idea that if it is in a Mac it must be better than if it is in a Windows machine.
Windows is prone to virus issues because there are many more millions of Win boxes than Apple boxes. Simple math. If Macs were predominant, Macs would suffer virus issues.
My first PC was a 8088, with 512 MB of memory and no hard drive. Since then, there have been a few replacements including an Apple Powerbook. Had more problems with the PB than I ever had with a Windows computer.
Virus issues usually arise because so many people prowl the net looking at things they should not look at; downloading warez, porn, music, what have you. They are careless in their day to day maintenence and they insist upon opening email from cretins and spammers.
So please stop with the endless and non-winnable argument that Macs are perfect and Windows sucks. Simply not true.