People will ALWAYS bitch about not having enough memory. When 512Mb flash PMPs were the pinnacle, people complained that you couldn't have more than 10 albums on there. When 30Gb was it, people complained that 100+ Gb tech was out, so there was OMG NO REASON WHATSOEVER for the manufacturers to "withhold" the conveniences. Now, even if someone sticks a terabyte of storage into a PMP or a phone, geeks and pirates will bitch that there is still not enough storage. It's not a current trend, nor it's a deliberate conspiracy to force consumers into the miserable suffering and horrific torturous existence of having to be selective with their music.
To the OP: please, for the love of God, grow up, stop pirating music, and you will be able to sleep at night again knowing that there is indeed an Android phone able to satisfy your storage demands. Even with so-called "smart" playlists that play tracks based on listening history and frequency, it is impossible for every single track you have to be played at least once a century, provided you complain of 32Gb cards as too small. This is almost as silly as people complaining of NAS and USB hard drives being too small to hold their movie collection - with 2+ Tb of storage available for under $300, how is the world will you ever be able to watch the same thing twice? It's a strange fetish some people possess when they demand to be able to carry every lousy piece of media they've ever acquired with them at any time in a manic terror of being unable to access a song from an unreleased B-side of a Sri-Lankan indie metal band that was ripped in 32 kbps from a MySpace page and resampled to FLAC for the sole purpose of adding to the already bulging monstrous collection of mostly-useless music by artists that nobody ever cared for. Be selective with your artists, stop carrying full albums if you only like 2-3 songs off of each, pick a genre you really like, and your collection will instantly be under 16 Gb.
Whew ...
To the OP: please, for the love of God, grow up, stop pirating music, and you will be able to sleep at night again knowing that there is indeed an Android phone able to satisfy your storage demands. Even with so-called "smart" playlists that play tracks based on listening history and frequency, it is impossible for every single track you have to be played at least once a century, provided you complain of 32Gb cards as too small. This is almost as silly as people complaining of NAS and USB hard drives being too small to hold their movie collection - with 2+ Tb of storage available for under $300, how is the world will you ever be able to watch the same thing twice? It's a strange fetish some people possess when they demand to be able to carry every lousy piece of media they've ever acquired with them at any time in a manic terror of being unable to access a song from an unreleased B-side of a Sri-Lankan indie metal band that was ripped in 32 kbps from a MySpace page and resampled to FLAC for the sole purpose of adding to the already bulging monstrous collection of mostly-useless music by artists that nobody ever cared for. Be selective with your artists, stop carrying full albums if you only like 2-3 songs off of each, pick a genre you really like, and your collection will instantly be under 16 Gb.
Whew ...