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Wife loves DroidX2, husband lonely, seeking companionship


Android Expert
Wife got her DX2 today from Costco ($149, instant $50 rebate) and I've been alone since I did some basic setup and then showed her enough so that she could start customizing things.

If anyone out there will be my friend and talk with me, I'd really appreciate it...really lonely here. <sniff><sniff>
Wife got her DX2 today from Costco ($149, instant $50 rebate) and I've been alone since I did some basic setup and then showed her enough so that she could start customizing things.

If anyone out there will be my friend and talk with me, I'd really appreciate it...really lonely here. <sniff><sniff>

That is freaking hilarious ! ! ! ! ! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Thank you for your support...

Woke up this AM early...home is quiet, peaceful even, the early still moments are the best...

Wait, what's that? A small clicking sound, and quiet rustling next to me in bed. Try to ignore it, relax, enjoy the warm bed and peaceful morni...damn, there's that clicking sound again. What the heck is that? Roll over, gently pry open eyes and <the horror> their first sight of the day is my wife lying next to me in bed with that damn X2!

Cuckolded by a hunk of metal and plastic! Anyone want to meet me in Las Vegas to chase some cougars? Looks like I'm gonna have a lot of free time on my hands...

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