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Help Wifi connection problems after ICS

I had this problem after updating to 4.0.3.

I ended up doing a factory reset on my router, which sorted out this particular problem.

I have since carried out a factory reset, cleared cache and Dalvik cache, routed the phone and haven't had a minutes trouble with ICS. It appears to be fast and trouble-free (touch wood).

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Hi, I upgraded my contracted virgin S2 3 days ago and have this problem. Other phones are connecting to wifi no problem. I have reset the phone and my router and still nothing.

I have tried basic fixes including removing the battery for 5 min.

Surprised there isnt many people who have posted about this problem on this site and others, including virginmobile, providing any updates on their posts if they have found a fix.

Its now frustrating the hell out of me and i regret upgrading now. Someone, hopefully you can help.

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I will agree with Rheumatoid.

If factoring-resetting either the phone or router solves the issue, it only makes sense that there is a problem with the wifi connection between phone and router itself.

Its simpler to do 'forget network' rather than factory-resetting anything. Plus it is the easiest option to try before going onto next thing :)

I had same issue when I upgraded to ICS, but the wifi is flawless now!

Good luck!!
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There are well known wifi problems with ICS 4.0.3 (amongst many other things).

I am getting so p*ssed off with it I'm probably going to restore to Gingerbread.

Issue 28036 - android - WiFi freeze on Samsung Galaxy S2 with ICS 4.0.3 - Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project - Google Project Hosting

Wow that link has got 1000s of people having the same issue.

Btw, have you tried to do 'forget network' for all the network, and rescanning to create an all new connection. So far all that we have tried, it does the trick! Just a suggestion
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I upgraded my Galaxy Note with the new ICS firmware and also did experience wifi connection which took ages to connect or else says no connection. Then I read the threads on this forum and found that it is a problem with other users too.

So following one of the suggestions along the thread, I went to
my setting,
then to the applications
then to my facebook
and cleared the cache.

and facebook connected easily and so did my internet explorer.
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I take back every word I type in on the wifi problem.

It is still a problem. I cannot log into the internet explorer and facebook after logging out. When I log in again it cannot connect - no connection etc...

So.... I went to the setting
wi-fi click on again
it will go off
then you on again

then re connect with whatever is required
went back to facebook - it worked again.

The gingerbread OS did not have this problem. Hope it can be resolved. I had been using the note for 6 months on Gingerbread until the recent auto upgrade of firmware.
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I THINK I HAVE THE SOLUTION. This same problem has been making me CRAZY for nearly 3 months, but I think I have solved the issue to Galaxy SII dropping wi-fi after updating to ICS. In my situation, there were some networks where the wi-fi stayed on and worked without any problem, but then there have been many (probably 60%) others where the wi-fi would consistently get dropped right after connecting or within 30-60 seconds and it wouldn't save the password. It had been playing well with my home network until I upgraded it about a month ago with completely new hardware and then it basically stopped working with my home network. I thought maybe it had something to do with ICS and certain kinds of hardware since it had been working fine on my home network before the upgrade. To some degree I guess this is true, but I think I have figured out the ROOT of the problem. Tonight, I was looking at my apps and read more closely what AT&T Smart Wi-fi app does. I UNINSTALLED it and my wi-fi has now been working for a few hours completely fine on my home network. I hope the same solution works for all of you. I suppose if you don't have AT&T Smart Wi-fi but some other similar app you should try uninstalling that instead. There may be some kind of setting within the app that would fix the problem, but I didn't try that. I just got rid of it.​
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I believe I have found a fix for you guys.

The things you need to do:

1) You need to assign static IP to your device in the router settings (fixed host). Search for the router specific instructions online. You will need to enter phones MAC number and then assign ip. You can find MAC number settings>about phone>status>wifi mac address.
2) Not sure if necessary, but on you phone you need edit WIFI details for your router. In advanced settings for the router you need to change IP settings from DHCP to static.

Not sure why it works. Must be something related to dynamic IP in DHCP network.

Enjoy working WIFI connection!
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