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Wifi keeps dropping :(


Android Enthusiast
May 27, 2010
Hi, I have a Sony Xperia z Tablet, i've had it about 4 months, the wifi did used to drop when i first got it, using 4.2 but since updating to 4.3 i think it's doing it more so.

I flashed my 4.3 from the following link as i couldn't wait for the update:

[FTF][SGP321][4.3][UK UNBRANDED] Official Sony Firmware 10.4.B.0.569 - xda-developers

So anyway, where i live is an ipad connected to the wifi as well as my samsung galaxy s4 and laptop.

I play games a lot (especially clash of clans) and turn the net on my tablet, it will usually drop around 4-6 times per night, every time it does drop, my games will reset (which is a pain for clash of clans) or the internet will just say can't connect.

But while my tablet is saying this all our other devices are still connected and working fine, so i've realised that it must be the tablet it's self for some reason.

I have turned wifi optimisation off as i was finding the wifi was dropping even more so with this on.

Is there a way to flash the modem to a different one for wifi or anything like that, i just don't know what I'm going to do about it if anyone has any suggestions?

Did i do the wrong thing by flashing the ftf uk unbranded rom, could it be that?

Any help would be great.




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