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wifi tethering?

It simply means that you can use your phone's 3g connection to access the internet from your laptop or other portable computer. It's achieved by plugging your phone in via USB and selecting "USB tethering" or by Bluetooth or Wifi. I think Wifi is for Android 2.2 (FroYo) I haven't tried the Bluetooth connection but the wifi one is cool because it means you can use your laptop out and about whilst keeping your phone in a bag or pocket. Plus, more than one user can share your phone's internet connection. To set up a wifi hotspot, go into phone settings, Wireless & Networks, select Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings and then enter a network name and a good strong password (do not leave the defaults or anybody who sees an HTC network will know that the password is probably 12345678). You can leave the security at WPA (TKIP) Finally, tick the box to turn it on and then connect your computer to the new wireless network in the normal manner (there is a handy guide on your phone screen if you get stuck). Done!
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