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Will I Be Sorry Coming from iPhone?

The HTC Evo 4G LTE is indeed a CDMA device, as it is the Sprint only version of the HOX. You would have to be on the Sprint network to use the Evo LTE. CDMA devices do not use SIM cards (except for Verizon's LTE network, but that's 4G only)
I think for now, the advice to wait for iPhone 5 is probably the best. Wait 6 months until my contracts are up then see where things are. But to be honest, my gut says if I could find a music player that worked well, I'd probably be happiest with the power and flexibiity on an HTC EVO running Jelly Bean. A Jailbroken iPhone is a great compromise for now, but I really want to move to Google products and step away from the high price and strict control of the Apple World.

So the question is, can I wait? I suppose I could buy the HTC EVO outrightfrom Best Buy and return it if I didn't like it?

If you are going to wait 6 months, by then there will likely be some newer Android phones out as well. The next Nexus phone is likely going to be released in the fall some time. Who knows what other phones will be released by then. Even a bunch of Windows 8 phones will be released.
imm using an international s3 so my experiences will be different to alot of people posting here
international s3 has superior cpu/gpu and power consumption (samsungs quadcore seems to be more power efficient than the qualcomm)

also poweramp sounds amazing. i use it, there is a problem i found with the s3. i had to root and use autostarts to stop the media button triggering the stock player
The GS3 blows the iPhone away in my opinion, except in one key area. I currently own an iPhone 4S and a Nexus 7. I wanted to buy the GS3 but still I won't. Why? The GS3 even with all of its pluses over the iPhone fails for me in one key area. The display, for me is much too dim. A GS3 with display brightness levels set to FULL equals the iPhone display brightness cranked up to 50%. To me, this is unacceptable. I, unfortunately will have to wait for Google to release a successor to the Galaxy Nexus. The Jellybean OS blows away the IOS OS. Maybe a Jellybean update to the GS3 will solve the dim screen problem. I hope so. All I can say is that I can't wait to dump my iPhone, but I will not do so for the current iteration of the GS3. The display looks like a dim light bulb. Too bad. Otherwise, the GS3 is awesome. The successor to the Galaxy Nexus will be even better.
Sorry if this is not in the right spot but I'm new to this site and would like some help as I am soon to update my phone and am seriously considering the SG3 4g over the iphone5.
I am using the iPhone 4 n ios6 which seems nothing special from ios5. Like most ios users I am unsure about transferring data ( contacts, notes, photos, etc) and would love to know what to use. I'm constantly frustrated with that apple restrictions and lake of functionality with the iPhone. I would like to be able to set the phone up and run it how I choose.
I am attracted to the expandable memory, cheaper apps, pc compatibly, and some very cool new to me features on the GS3 4g that the iphone5 does not have.
Consultant, you may be interested in the Huawei D1 Quad releasing soon. It has a 4.5 inch screen & 720p resolution (326pp), in other words, slightly larger than the S2 in screen and hand, but the resolution is awesome and you won't notice the pixels, and the phone's not huge like the S3.
1 GB ram, comes with ICS, integrated 2600mAh Battery (the XL model), sd card slot, 8GB onboard storage (the letdown), 64 bit computing power apparently, and some 30% battery saving tech on top. 8 megapixel BSI camera.

$425 outright, which sweetens the deal a whole lot.

Other notes - the power button and headphone jack are on the top, charging jack on the left side, volume rocker on the right.

Personally I've been resisting this phone because Huawei have taken so damn long to release it, having first shown it in February at MWC, but seeing as I am on a month to month plan and bought my ageing S2 form the UK when it launched roughly a year and a half ago, I may end up indulging myself when I know I should wait for the next generation that comes with Jelly Bean.
You might be sorry for not waiting to at least check out the new iPhone in September and see whether or not it stands up to the hype. If you're a Mac guy like me getting iPhone makes sense. I got the S3 not cause I hate Apple and all but because it was/still is THE best atm but might sell it IF the new iPhone is better and better is different from person to person. Right now Samsung is the best maker of android phones (mostly because it mass produces 1000 models yearly while Apple only does 1 each year) BUT since Google bought Motorola...that might change...who knows... but on the other hand without a shadow of a doubt as far as reliability, ease of use, it just works the Mac blows away any other PC and the iPad dominates. All other tablets are just cheap clones. Of course ppl will try and tell you otherwise but like I always say...life's too short to argue. To each his own opinion :) I love Samsung Galaxy S3 and the Note but Apple will always have a special place for me since in my school back in the 80's we had Macs and I have very fond memories of that time.

Just curious McBuzz, you must have the Iphone 5 now and I was wondering what your conclusions were?
Here's an update for anyone interested:

Months ago based on several reviews I concluded the One X was the better choice for me over the S3, although it appears the S3 is one of if no the best selling Android Smartphone ever! Reason I chose One X was the better display and the Sense interface got consistently better reviews over Samsungs overlay (or whatever you call it.) Problem was, the One X (AT&T) only came with 16GB and although I don't play games or watch movies on my phone, I've got 15GB in high-quality MP3/M4A songs (kind of an music buff/audiophile) so it was a no go. I also didn't like that the battery life sounded pretty mediocre on the One X compared to the iPhone.

Then along comes the HTC One X +. They must have listened well to consumers. 64GB. Bigger Battery. Faster processor. Jelly Bean. BINGO. Pre-ordered as soon as it was available (TODAY). Feel like a geek as I was never the type that had to have something the day it came out, but for some reason I was anxious on this one. Maybe because still waiting for untethered jailbreak for IOS 6. No more of that waiting for a jailbreak before I can upgrade my OS in order to be able to configure it the way I want!

You know it's funny, you can save $100 or more bucks if you actually upgrade to the iPhone 5, hawk it on E-bay for about $1000 +/- $100 depending on memory size, then do a non contract buy on One X + for $549. I have to admire Apple though for building a brand that gets people to pay $1000 for a frickin phone. No wonder their stock has gone they way it has the past few years! Anyway... if you factor in Ebay and Paypal fees and our 9.8% sales tax, you only net a cost savings of about $100-$150 which isn't worth my hassle to go to the AT&T store, buy the phone and tell them I'm going to sell it, list it on E-bay, ship it, risk a buyer opening and then wanting to return, go back to0 store to get SIM for HTC, yada yada.

At least I didn't pay the absurdly high $700+ to Expansys or the seller on Ebay selling the One X Plus prior to today! But of course, like all technology, they'll be selling the One X Plus for $0.99 in 6 months like Amazon Wireless is selling the one X for now. That's one thing the iPhone really beats everyone else very soundly, resale value. Too bad they didn't call the new One X something else as resale value won't be great due to a lot of people probably not thinking there's that big of a difference due to almost identical name. But 64GB versus 16GB is huge and so is a better battery. No wonder the One X can already be had for $0.99 with contract. What was HTC thinking on releasing a flagship phone (at least on AT&T) with only 16GB? Like memory is expensive these days? Not.

I did consider Nexus 4, but no 4G LTE. Are you kidding me. What was GOOGLE thinking on that? Like I'm going to do a 2-year renewal for a 3G phone? Idiots.

HTX 8X Win8 phone sounds promising but as usual Microsoft is playing catch-up. Closing gap though. Really pleased with Win8 OS. Takes a little getting used to but very snappy O/S! (I get it for free from my Sis who works for MS, so I'm no MS fanboy.)

Anyone that takes lots of photos but doesn't want to carry around a separate camera, the latest Nokia Lumia is the way to go.

Yep, will be something better in like 3 months I'm sure, but I easily get a good 18 months out of usage before I get the itch, then I got 6 months to watch what is coming out.

I'll post my opinion on going from iPhone 4 to HTC One X Plus in a week or so after I've got it all tweaked and used to using it.
Im glad you went with a One X+. I came from a Hero, to a EVO 4G, EVO 3D, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, back to the EVO 4G LTE and talked my girl into the One X. I have never been a fan of Apple but took and open.approach to their phones and I think they work wonderfully. With the One X+ you will fall in love with Beats Audio. A lot of people complain but over Bluetooth in my truck I have yet to find anybodies phone sound better. This includes equalizers and other Apps. I was blown away in the quality of difference from iPhone to Beats. I even went with CM10 and had to go back to a custom Rom that is stripped of everything Sense but has Beats. Enjoy! Sense is better than Touchwiz all day long and the phones are great in many ways that all depends on personal experience.
I forgot to mention a few other things that made me more confident about taking the leap, some pertaining to the earlier comments:

a) for music in my car, I just use a cheap old 3rd gen iPod, so that eliminates the issue with the phone not playing well with the car - (although I rarely use bluetooth handsfree - don't like to talk and drive, that might be a issue but I would be astonished if the HTC didn't communicate with newer handsfree bluetooth systems in cars.)

b) I assumed the needs/desire to root or do custom ROM would be less if I got a phone with JB instead of ICS - one of the benefits of waiting longer

b) I don't use iTunes as my Media Manager (I use Media Monkey which syncs to iPhone directly fine and is much better) and I get my music from a variety of sources, so I don't lose any iTunes music really as I know how to get the iTunes purchased songs to any device without using iTunes anyway.

c) My email is on my own domain, but I sync my contacts and calendar on my iPhone (and in Thunderbird on my Desktop) with a Google Account so contact/calendar sync on the the HTC should be painless! (I purposely have avoided becoming sucked into the iCloud and I actually sync my files, contacts and calendars with both outlook.com AND Google - it's tricky, but possible. That way I can see how MS and Google grow their cloud solutions over the next year or so and don't get too locked into one or the other.)
I forgot to mention a few other things that made me more confident about taking the leap, some pertaining to the earlier comments:

a) for music in my car, I just use a cheap old 3rd gen iPod, so that eliminates the issue with the phone not playing well with the car - (although I rarely use bluetooth handsfree - don't like to talk and drive, that might be a issue but I would be astonished if the HTC didn't communicate with newer handsfree bluetooth systems in cars.)

b) I assumed the needs/desire to root or do custom ROM would be less if I got a phone with JB instead of ICS - one of the benefits of waiting longer

b) I don't use iTunes as my Media Manager (I use Media Monkey which syncs to iPhone directly fine and is much better) and I get my music from a variety of sources, so I don't lose any iTunes music really as I know how to get the iTunes purchased songs to any device without using iTunes anyway.

c) My email is on my own domain, but I sync my contacts and calendar on my iPhone (and in Thunderbird on my Desktop) with a Google Account so contact/calendar sync on the the HTC should be painless! (I purposely have avoided becoming sucked into the iCloud and I actually sync my files, contacts and calendars with both outlook.com AND Google - it's tricky, but possible. That way I can see how MS and Google grow their cloud solutions over the next year or so and don't get too locked into one or the other.)

The HTC flagship phones work excellent on vehicle hands free systems. I use mine daily in my 2011 Ford F150. It makes and receive calls, streams audio, and plenty of other features. Although I DoD find the Microsoft Phones work with even more cool features with Microsoft Sync (go figure!)
I've been an iPhone user since the 1st gen back in 07. I recently made the switch to the S3 and literally laugh at iPhones now. I have not once regretted the decision of switching, but do regret not switching earlier. I mean, I can operate my desktop computer that is at home from my S3, can an iPhone do that? My iPhone 4 would normally have around 10% battery left after a complete day at school. My S3 on the other hand has 60%. Best decision ever, trust me.
a) for music in my car, I just use a cheap old 3rd gen iPod, so that eliminates the issue with the phone not playing well with the car - (although I rarely use bluetooth handsfree - don't like to talk and drive, that might be a issue but I would be astonished if the HTC didn't communicate with newer handsfree bluetooth systems in cars.)

I use my SGS3 with BT audio in my car. It's very convenient. All I have to do is start my car and the phone connects and starts playing music.

b) I assumed the needs/desire to root or do custom ROM would be less if I got a phone with JB instead of ICS - one of the benefits of waiting longer

It depends on what features you really want. I find that ICS on my SGS3 and Nova Prime launcher provides all of the customisations I need without needing to root.

b) I don't use iTunes as my Media Manager (I use Media Monkey which syncs to iPhone directly fine and is much better) and I get my music from a variety of sources, so I don't lose any iTunes music really as I know how to get the iTunes purchased songs to any device without using iTunes anyway.

I was wondering about that. I have been purchasing music from sources other than iTunes as I am not confortable using iTunes. I heard from many people who have had issues with iTunes. My wife has an iPhone and uses iTunes to sync her music. My experience with helping her manager her music has been unimpressive.
I mean, I can operate my desktop computer that is at home from my S3, can an iPhone do that?

Of course it can. I used Log Me In Ignition for years to access my work and home desktops on my iPhone 3GS. It's as if you're sitting at your desktop computer, but with a very small screen that can be a pain. But it works perfectly.

The iPhone can do almost anything an Android phone can. Often times with more stability and more app choices. But the price is that you have to do most things the way Apple wants you to do them, and the screen is smaller. Those are the biggest differences. Everything else is gravy (although it's mighty tasty gravy). ;)
Of course it can. I used Log Me In Ignition for years to access my work and home desktops on my iPhone 3GS. It's as if you're sitting at your desktop computer, but with a very small screen that can be a pain. But it works perfectly.

The iPhone can do almost anything an Android phone can. Often times with more stability and more app choices. But the price is that you have to do most things the way Apple wants you to do them, and the screen is smaller. Those are the biggest differences. Everything else is gravy (although it's mighty tasty gravy). ;)

No not necessarily. No NFC, no split screen viewing or LG transparent screen thing, no true multi tasking, no s pen, no wireless charging, there are plenty of other things the iPhone requires jailbreak to even attempt before an android requires rooting.
Hi OP,
congrats on moving to android :-)
a top end android phone with an
improved battery is the way to go
I feel.
I have the stock s3 and its a great phone
coming from an htc desire. I know the
iPhone 4s well also and for me iPhones
are just dull dull dull :-D

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