WOW, really? Obama turned the economy around?
Lets just take a quick look at a few facts: before Obama got in, the economy was contracting, now it's growing; unemployment was growing, now it's shrinking; the Dow was down, now it's up; house prices were falling, now they're rising ..
on every measure, the economy has turned around.
Despite the best efforts of the Republicans. They want to cut, cut, cut. Exactly what the right wing has done in the UK where, as a direct result, we are now in our THIRD recession since 2007. And that defiicit they claim they're trying to drive down? It has GROWN.
Which obviously, it would: if your problem is not enough spending in the economy, how is cutting spending - and consequently, tax revenues - going to help? Answer: it doesn't. It makes things worse. It did in the 1930s, it does in the 2010s.
Before you praise King Obama's health care, you might want to wait and see exactly what this means. You HC supporters think it is grand and great, but this only proves you know nothing about the ramifications of Obamacare.
Obamacare is a Republican policy. It was first proposed by Republicans. It was first implemented by the last Republican presidential candidate - and was the most successful thing he ever did.
Here's an hilarious thing, there's a video of a Tea Party meeting where everyone is screaming their opposition to support Government health care. Then they're asked how many of them on Medicaid and about two thirds of the hands go up.
I think before you castigate us Republicans you find a few facts. Do you have examples--specific examples--of what EXACTLY Obama has actually done?
Wow! Really?
Did you actually read the post you're responding to? All it contains is a list verifiable and undisputed facts:
The US economy is growing.
The US is out of Iraq and getting out Afganistan.
Gaddafi is dead and Libya free.
Bin Laden is dead.
The US finally has some almost sensible health care provision.
The US has restored some the prestige it lost under Bush.
There's nothing there even you can deny.
On pretty much any measure, Obama is one of the most successful presidents you've had since Lyndon B. Johnson.