When I see the use of the invective "Democrat" instead of the proper "Democratic" Party, I know that I'm dealing with a GOP operative. Your allegiance is showing.
Oh really? Here's a little history on my 'party affiliation'. I left the military due in part to GWB's policies. I supported Obama's bid to the DNC nomination and presidency. It is his actions since then that have driven me away from the party. I do not embrace the GOP. I was all for the change that the DNC was promising at the end of the GWB era. It fell short, IMO.
And, BTW, had I been of age to vote at the time Reagan was in office, I would have voted against him. I do not go to church and I believe in a person's right to marry whomever they wish, regardless of gender. I think plan parenthood is a good program. I'm pretty sure the GOP would never consider me for a poster boy.
If you have any evidence that the Democratic Party is "reckless" (as you claimed), please show it.
Wanting to pass a sweeping health care bill by rushing it through congress while they still had the power to cram it down the country's throat is one good example. Then giving waivers to all their political friends so that much fewer people have to contribute to it. Wanting to strip gun owners rights are another. Then there's the Libya, Syria, and Benghazi incidents that should simply not have happened.
Personal attacks aside, what in particular do you think is wrong with her candor?
Because she is a hypocrite. She pushed so hard for the health care act, yet a lot of her district got waivers. If the health care act is so wonderful, then why are a large number of the waivers issued from the Obama administration been given to the friends/supporters of the Democratic party?
In tonight's news we learned that the GOP rank and file were kept in the dark about the details of the President's various positions on current issues. So obviously there is still a problem within the Republican Party of cover-ups. Shame on the GOP leadership for hiding key facts from their followers. Shame on them the GOP rank and file for failing to take their own initiative to read the facts themselves. But then again it's the cult-like, militaristic top-down power structure within the Republican Party that makes truisms like what Leader Pelosi said true.
Ms. Pelosi is the House Minority Leader, if you're going to hold me to Democratic instead of Democrat, you should also use her correct title instead of giving her some cult-like name. Representative and/or Congresswoman are also acceptable answers.
And it would figure that the GOP hides info from their party. I do not associate with them and hopefully the GOP decides that it's time to replace their leadership for failing to perform to the standards that I'm sure are written down somewhere in their convention.
The fact that you present the situation in a way that has lines of battle drawn, military chains of command alleged and hostilities implied speaks volumes about the mindset of your political party. However, just because your political party thinks that way doesn't automatically mean that everyone else thinks the same way.
Again, my party is not the GOP. Technically, I'm still registered the the Democratic party. Which, by the way, was listed as "Democrat". Just because someone speaks against you does not mean they are in the opposing organization.
Which is the same thing you're doing. You're drawing a line, assigning me a side (which I have stated that I do not associate with) and attacking me as a combatant of that organization.
I reject this notion that "the other side" thinks exactly like your side. There's no factual basis for that assumption. I only see a single major political party on the warpath, not two. No, I will not be drawn into the "everybody's misbehaving" excuse coming from a group that's been caught misbehaving. I believe in taking personal responsibility, and I wish that Republicans would start taking responsibility for what they've done.
Speaking of that responsibility thing...has Eric Holder yet taken responsibility for Fast and Furious? If he knew about it or not is completely irrelevant. It happened on his watch. Those who served in the military know that if something happened on your watch, it was yours even if the pieces were set into motion before your watch or without your knowing they even took place. Considering he has a lot of dealings with the military, I would have thought that he would have picked that up by now.
I'm also still a bit upset about Benghazi. The Obama administration completely dropped the ball on that one. They knew about it but still did nothing. That has been said by those who survived the ordeal, not the administration.
I also do not like how the President pushed for the NDAA. It ranks up there with the Patriot act, which I also despise.
As for the original topic. No, Obama will not be the last President of color. The balance of the ethnicities are starting to even out. It is only a matter of time. Which is a good thing, IMO. This country has been a home to many different backgrounds from countries all over the world. It only makes sense that more of those with different backgrounds rise to higher tiers of the government.
Expect to see more Hispanics in government, as well, in the upcoming years.