Android Expert
If you're bored, do a search for Samsung Omnia and Saga and learn about some other bad Sammy radios. Had a Saga and unfortunately it lived up to its name. Dropped calls if I turned my head wrong sitting still in a strong signal area. Dropped calls when switching towers while driving. Etc, etc, etc... Phones I had before it and my DX that replaced it have had less dropped calls TOTAL than that POS would have on a good day, and I sit in the same office and drive the same roads...
Sorry that you had such bad experience with Saga. But I never cared for Saga, Omnia as I thought they were just stop gap phones until sammy comes out with decent android phones. Like someone mentioned, they make a lot of phones and some of them are just so so, hit or misses. I also think they need to stop making too many mid-range ones and just focus on high end.
GS line is their flagship smart-phones giving their best everything. GSII was great leap forward from GS and GSIII seems promising too. But I understand your "wait and see" mode given your experience.