The iphone and their "app store" suck. Everything has to be approved by those jokers at apple. Like last week they took some comic app off of the store because it was "crude". Though they leave Boob Party on the store, yeah thats not crude. The great thing about android is it is OPEN. If I want to make the flashlight app that just turns your screen white and charge you $5 a pop I can. Android is young when compared to Apple, it has just really started too take off. Take offs in the software world are somewhat bumpy. Android is going through its growing pains right now. Android is the microsoft of this battle, this time around. It gives you the ultimate thing people want no matter WHAT you are selling. It gives them choice. If you want to use the iphone OS, guess what you got 1 manufacturer, 1 form factor, and 3 options and option 1 is outdated, option 2 is dated. With android you have 3 major manufacturers, several form factors including all touch and physical keyboards, and 15 different phones to CHOOSE from. The iphone will not stay dominant as long as they stay closed off from everything as they are right now. Up until now they haven't had anyone to compete with other than blackberry. Honestly alot of people are just getting the iphone not because they need it, but because it was cool. Most business professionals have been carrying blackberry and will continue to carry blackberry. I have a feeling that there is never going to be a clear winner like in the pc world, because people are changing mobile devices on average every 2 years if not every year. Though apple could really fall by the wayside because of the lacking options.
TBH, I don't think google is too worried about Apple. Apple doesn't ever announce anything groundbreaking they like to do it slowly but surely. Like from the iphone 3g to 3gs a camera, oh now it does video. Even then a jail broken 3g will do video. Look at the Ipad, wow its an ipod touch that won't fit in my pocket. Just what I needed right. Honestly, is it a big deal if they give the iphone the ability to be a webcam. I would almost bet if you had the money to pay a developer or found a very friendly one. He could take the most basic of android phones and make a web cam app as long as it had a camera.
IMO, the only thing that apple will always be a clear winner in is the MP3 world.
TBH, I don't think google is too worried about Apple. Apple doesn't ever announce anything groundbreaking they like to do it slowly but surely. Like from the iphone 3g to 3gs a camera, oh now it does video. Even then a jail broken 3g will do video. Look at the Ipad, wow its an ipod touch that won't fit in my pocket. Just what I needed right. Honestly, is it a big deal if they give the iphone the ability to be a webcam. I would almost bet if you had the money to pay a developer or found a very friendly one. He could take the most basic of android phones and make a web cam app as long as it had a camera.
IMO, the only thing that apple will always be a clear winner in is the MP3 world.