Sorry this is a little late but just finally got to reading this forum tonight. I was little shocked by a couple of things Iowa had to say. First about how VZW wouldn't have near the coverage without Alltel, that must be somewhere other than my state. They had almost as many towers as VZW, but only about 60% of the coverage. I think I stated something similar the last time I posted. A friend of mine who is a semi-freelance engineer in SW Minnesota had horrible trouble with their service. He's probably on of the smartest guys I know. He does IT, designs video to cat5 baluns, etc. I remember him telling me that one month he had around 1200 minutes just talking with 611 trying to resolve the issue. His phone was a company one and they would not let him use his personal one for some reason. So unless they were better in other areas I'm not quite sure about that. The other is the whole fanboy/trolling argument you had with QrafTee. You may not be a fanboy or carrier loyal, but (and this might be my biggest pet peave) what you do is trolling. I have also never gone onto another carrier's forum and tried to convince them what they are doing is wrong or how great I think my service is. You say if it works for the other person then you are okay with that. Thanks, I'm glad you're okay with it 'cause if not I wouldn't know what to do with myself! Look at it this way, how would you feel about Jehovas Witnesses coming into your house unannounced & uninvited telling you what you need to do to be saved. Notice a similarity here. If someone who does not currently have service with Sprint wants to know about them, they should go to the Sprint forum and read and learn and make a decision. And it's not like you only show up here intermittently, it seems like you're on around half of the threads. Is there nothing going on in the Sprint forum? I don't go on there like you do on here because I think it's extremely rude, but that seems to be the culture the internet has given us. They can go anywhere they want to and nobody can stop them and screw 'em if they don't like it. Of course, maybe it's a compliment. If we had nothing to lose they wouldn't bother coming on here, but since VZW has the largest number of customers, they have the most to lose. And I also wouldn't classify myself as a fanboy, when I think VZW is in the wrong I'll tell them so, either on forums, through CSRs, or in the local stores. But 95% of any problems that I've had with them are with issues other than cell service, because that's the one thing I've never had a problem with them on.