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Windows explorer not picking up my phone properly.


Jun 26, 2021
I have just had to do a factory reset etc on my Moto E6 phone but now I have got a new problem.
I have linked my phone with a data cable to my pc as I want to transfer files I have backed up previously from my Windows PC onto the phone. Windows explorer picks up that my phone is attached but there is no way I can see folders already existing on my phone and the SD card in it. I just get the wording "folder is empty" therefore I can't view the folders to transfer into. I have rebooted both the PC and my phone but still contents of the phone are not showing up. Are there any settings on the phone I should check?? -

Any idea how to solve this ??
moto E6.jpg
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I found the answer ......in the reset it must have defaulted my settings re USB transfers. I changed it to File transfer and it's now all good.

Case CLOSED !!!!
That is the easy criminal too!
Glad you quickly resolved it, just stay here for a while.
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