mine is the only one published as far as i know on github so far, so i'd say use my device, kernel and vendor trees and you should have exactly what i have working on cm11 so far.
lets say where you repo synced to is called yourfolderyoureposyncedto. i know its not but replace that with what you named it for the paranoid source. place android_device_lge_x5 into your folder you repo synced into, like this:
do the same with kernel and vendor, just place them into
and also this one from cyanogenmod goes into yourfolderyoureposyncedto/device/qcom/common:
after that, its just a matter of modifying my device tree to build paranoid with. look for paranoid android's github and look at one of the devices there, like mako for example. see what they did and see whats different from mine to theirs, i dont think you will have to modify boardconfig.mk but there will be other files like cm.dependencies and maybe androidboard.mk, androidproducts.mk, cm.mk, device_x5.mk, full_x5.mk, and vendorsetup.mk.
good luck!