Android Enthusiast
Weird I never set a password dunno why it asks you for it, delete your local manifest file and download zips from gihub, also go into device vendor and kernel, turn on show hidden files and delete the .git folders in device/lge/x5, vendor/lge/x5 and kernel/lge/x5. Paste the contents of the zips in where they need to be after you delete the .gits in only those 3 locations. Local manifest has always given me a hard time so I just don't use it and wouldn't recommend anyone to do so either.
After that use . build/envsetup.sh and then brunch x5 in the root of your source folder. That should get you close to building.
After that use . build/envsetup.sh and then brunch x5 in the root of your source folder. That should get you close to building.