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Root Wireless Tether/Hotspot

Just something to try...

1. Open Root Explorer or whatever root file manager you use
2. navigate to /system
3. mount as R/W
4. Long press build.prop
5. Open With and select Text editor
6. look for the line that looks like this:
It should be under the # WIFI label
7. If the value is =true, change it to =false
8. Tap menu and tap "save changes"
9. Exit and reboot your phone
10. try wireless tether now
If it still doesnt work go back to build.prop and see if the change saved..

i have been trying for weeks now to get this to work and searched this forum and many others for help. i keep getting the same error to no avail. i saw a lot of peeps saying ignore it but some of the tethering apps say this is an issue on their "about" for the app.
i have a nook that i am trying to tether to my phone(samsung tu)so i can download books when im away from a wifi spot. its the simple touch(not the color) still working on getting it rooted but thats another story for another thread. i just need some help getting this tethering to work on my samsung tu. any one please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!
btw i have also tried connecting to from my computer so i dont think its my nook that is the issue..
thanks in advance for any support or help anyone can provide?
wireless theater is working for me im rooted im downloading a 105 mb file as im typing this and there is no lag and the file only took 4 min to get to this point n eta is 11 min till finished which is about 15 min which is the fastest Ive ever had with this size of file

Edit: i switched to foxfi its far better because it doesn't use adhoc also i can hook my unserviced prevail up to my transform ultra now :D thanks blahsaysmeu2u
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