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Wish me luck


Extreme Android User
I start the new job tomorrow morning at 0900. I'm extremely nervous. I haven't started a new job in 4 years. Plus, this one pays a whole lot more than the last one and part of me thinks I'm getting paid way more than I'm worth. I'm afraid they'll figure out that I'm not worth that much and fire my butt on the first day. Then I think I'm just freaking myself out over this. Any advice?
Get a good night's sleep and don't expect too much on your first day. Statistics show that it takes at least 5 weeks to become acclimated to a new job and 15 to feel comfortable.

Don't feel embarrassed to ask procedural questions and be nice, polite and professional.

Good Luck!
My experience has taught me that new jobs are like new girlfriends. They generally don't want to hear about your past jobs or experiences, which kind of sucks because you really want to let them know what you bring to the table, but I think it's best to let them ask you about your previous experience instead of putting it out there. Oh and it's always good to be early on the 1st day (which I'm guessing that's pretty common knowledge but worth restating).
They hired you because you made it through the resume round, then the interview round, and the boss likes you. This also means they trust you to get the job done. It's never about the amount of money you get paid. People are working shitty jobs everywhere, if given a chance they can prove themselves in a higher position. So don't think of it a job that pays higher. First of all trust yourself, cause the boss already does. Then, think of it as a more challenging job that you want to knock out of the park, which in turn will give you a more intrinsic reward than money ever could. A sense of achievement :)

Hope that helps
best of luck !!!

but to give you some advice.. to your request.

dont say to much... for a little bit till you get the lay of the land.
you can never unsay stuff!
better to be a mystery, than to confirm that you are clueless.
find out ASAP.. who is related to whom.. and who can give you good advice.. and who creates rumors.
Just be five minutes early, polite, and, most importantly, yourself. They did hire you, that means there is something about you they like. Hope it goes well
Alot of great advice already...All I can offer is...relax...lol.

Even if its a job in the same exact field as your old one....every company doesnt do things the same way. So its gonna be a learning experience anyway your first few weeks. Could be something as simple as the way they do time sheets or singing in n out for the day.

So...just relax. Be grateful you got a better paying job, and do your best to keep it.

And congrats!! I was in your shoes last Oct. Your post could mirror what happened to me. Feeling some of the same things. I'm training a new employee now.....and I may be on the verge of getting a promotion... Which reminds me....I said I was gonna tell the new guy to relax. I may tomorrow.
You'll do fine.
When your first day is done, you will tell yourself that you did great and don't know why you ever doubted yourself.
Oh yeah, don't log into the site from work, if they see some of your posts....
Best of luck to you and congrats on the new job. Just remember, it's you they hired.. so be yourself.

Just be five minutes early, polite, and, most importantly, yourself. They did hire you, that means there is something about you they like. Hope it goes well

Yeah, but no one shows their true self on the interview. On the interview it's all shields up and you heavily filter your personality. At least I do.

Oh yeah, don't log into the site from work, if they see some of your posts....

This is sage advice. I used to get on all the time at the old job. I will refrain for at least a week....well, a few days.....ok, half a day at least....maybe.
I remember when I started the job I am at now, my first "real" job outa college.. I was so nervous and I felt that they would let me go after the next check and the next one and the next one..

but after 3 weeks something came up which made me miss 2 weeks of work, and when I came back my boss and I talked and I knew I was at the right place to be working... they paid for those 2 weeks with out deducting any pto or anything else.

One month from today will be 1 year haha, what a year it has been.

Hope all goes well for you today
I managed to survive my first day. It was kind of a cluster-f TBH. They assigned me to the wrong group and had me reporting to the wrong person who was on a different shift. Finally got all of that straightened out. Only issue now is that my passport is expired and HR tells me that they can't use it as a form of ID since it's expired. So I am now looking for my birth certificate and/or social security card. I thought I had one or both, but can't seem to locate either. They need it by Wednesday and it doesn't look like either of the appropriate agencies can get me a replacement by then.
No driver's license? I think any state issued ID should work for employment ID, unless they're asking for 2 forms of IDs.
No driver's license? I think any state issued ID should work for employment ID, unless they're asking for 2 forms of IDs.

They need proof of ID and proof of eligibility to work in the US. A passport proves both, but apparently has to be current. A DL proves ID, but not necessarily residence. I have dug through every drawer and lockbox in my house. I found $280 in cash (woot! woot!), but no birth certificate or Social Security card. It's for an I-9 form.
In DC you can get a Birth Certificate just by walking in, signing in and filling out a form. Its not like that everywhere?

I got 2 just in case. And I do think you needed some form(s) if ID to get it.
Driver's license and your Android Forums membership card should be enough....
I think I am hosed. Completely hosed. I tore my house to shreds looking for that Social Security card and came up empty. My dad and I looked everywhere at my parents house looking for the birth certificate. Came up with nothing. I called around and found a friend willing to drive to the capitol tomorrow to pick up my birth certificate, but it looks like legally they can't since we're not related. I plan to call tomorrow morning and see if they can fax it or if they could make an exception and give it to my friend in person. This royally sucks monkey balls. I know I was born in this country. I found tons of old DL's and W-4s, and other documents that have my SSN on them, but they aren't on the list of acceptable documents for an I-9. Tempted to forge a birth certificate. Heck, if Obama could do it, why can't I?
I don't think you're as screwed as you think you are. Just apply for a replacement birth certificate and present the receipt according to the instructions for form I-9

If an employee is unable to present a required document (or documents), the employee must present an acceptable receipt in lieu of a document listed on the last page of this form. Receipts showing that a person has applied for an initial grant of employment authorization, or for renewal of employment authorization are not acceptable. Employees must present receipts within three business days of the date employment begins and must present valid replacement documents within 90 days or other specified time .
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