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Women with the nexus (or men with small hands). Reassure me.


Android Enthusiast
I ordered yesterday but the more I read about the gargantuan size, the more worried I am. Admittedly, when I first saw it, the size is one thing that drew me in. I hate the tiny keyboard on my OV (I even tried big buttons keyboard but didn't like it other than the big buttons) and my old eyes are not very good at reading teeny tiny stuff either.

If you went from a smaller phone to this, how long did it take to adjust? Did your hands cramp? LOL
Don't be worried hehe. I came from a tiny LG Optimus V. Once I got the Gnex in my hot little hands I didn't care anymore about the size (*GASP*).

Seriously, it's like going from a Pinto to a 69 Chevelle SS. You'll get use to the size. :D
I'm not sure that I qualify as having small hands (that is somewhat subjective) but mine definitely aren't large. In any case, I've not had any problems holding the Nexus, even coming from an LG Optimus with it's 3.2" screen. And while I hated typing on the Optimus because of the size (even in landscape), I've had little trouble typing on the Nexus. I will add the caveat, however, that when I type I use one hand to hold the Nexus and the other to type (but I did the same with the Optimus).

I will add that it is more difficult using the Nexus one handed because of the distance to the upper corner for my thumb. OTOH, in many ways I find the larger phone easier to hold on to (other than the smooth sides) than the Optimus, especially with the weight of the two phones being about the same.
yeah, two hands to type. Even with Swype.

Love the screen size. This phone is a slippery devil too. I'd recommend a case. I had the otter box defender, but I couldn't fit this thing in my pocket with that. Phone is naked now, got a thin case off Amazon. Should be here next week. Oh, and screen protector.
My girlfriend with small hands uses and Otterbox case and doesn't complain about the phone at all!! Hope that helps!
Of all the phones i have had, even though this is the largest, it is also the most comfortable to hold, very well balanced. Not sure if I have small hands or not though, what's the cut-off?
I wear a men's medium or large work glove (size 9 to 10 in a European glove size, e.g. motorcycle gloves), so while I don't have huge hands, they are larger than many women's hands. I don't like to type with one thumb (righthanded) while holding the phone with one hand. It's ok for a few brief words, but it's a stretch (literally). Disappointing, but........the autocorrect is good enough and the screen is wide enough to type Blackberry-style (portrait mode) with the SGN. I can type quite fast this way, so overall, I'm not annoyed. I either do BB-style portrait typing or landscape when I want to type more than just a word or two.
I have medium to large hands and even I require 2 hands to operate the device comfortably.
Holding it is obviously not a problem but there are just regions of the screen you can't reach one-handed with a thumb.
I have smallish hands, same size as my wife and I am for inches taller. I have no problem with the large phone. In fact, when I pick up my old d1 I wonder how the heck I used it.
I am a 5'5" asian guy and I went from Galaxy S to Galaxy Nexus to Galaxy SIII and now I'm ready for Galaxy Note 2. Don't let the size fool you, the form factor makes it feel smaller than it is.
I'm a girl with small hands and I find the GNex is very comfortable to use. My previous phone was a much loved HTC Incredible, I think the GNex feels better.
It seems to be about the same size as a stick of deodorant (you do use deodorant, don't you? :eek:), so if you can hold that comfortable, you should have no issue.
hm my deodorant is pretty small. :D I went to walmart today to see if they had one so I could look at it in person. It was the only one that was missing from its little pedestal. Go figure. I did see the Note there and OMG. It's huge.

As far as one handed, I could operate my OV one handed if I was coordinated but I'm not so I always use it two handed anyway. The only thing I do one handed is check the time or unlock the screen.

thanks everyone. Maybe I'll take a picture of it in my hand when I get it. lol
hm my deodorant is pretty small. :D I went to walmart today to see if they had one so I could look at it in person. It was the only one that was missing from its little pedestal. Go figure. I did see the Note there and OMG. It's huge.

As far as one handed, I could operate my OV one handed if I was coordinated but I'm not so I always use it two handed anyway. The only thing I do one handed is check the time or unlock the screen.

thanks everyone. Maybe I'll take a picture of it in my hand when I get it. lol

It doesn't sound to me like you'll notice a lot of difference, since you are using two hands anyway. The reason it doesn't seem much different is, while the Nexus is wider, the Optimus is much thicker. And weight is about the same. So, while it sits a little differently in your hand, it doesn't feel that much larger.
I sincerely hope I love it. Because I already ordered the ST sim with a ST card, a clear case, and a hello kitty skin. I'm impulsive like that. I wonder what will arrive first.
I am a petite gal with tiny hands and the GNex is quite comfortable,and easy to hold just like I held other android phones that had an average size of 3.2 screens. The GNex is nicely balanced and so it's comfy, and not top or bottom heavy.
Definitely get a case right away though because it can tend to be rather slippery.I dropped mine once before my cases arrived. :eek:
I'll chime in with the other ladies, it really doesn't feel that big. Its bigger than the captivate that I had, but I can still type short texts one handed if needed. A case is a definite, it is quite slippery! I got some cases from cruzerlite and they are perfect grip wise, I feel secure holding it one handed with one of those cases on. You are going to love it!
I have had my GNex for a few weeks ago and while I love it, man, it's hard to use with one hand. I came from an iPhone 4 (thought I'ld try out the Dark Side before I head back when the iPhone 5 comes out!) and man, the form factor's great, it's just doing things like using it with one hand that's hard to accomplish. BTW I'm a 6'0" guy with reasonably big hands..
I tried using my OV one handed tonight just to see how it felt. I couldn't type worth a darn so I had to use both, so it's a moot point (the one-handedness thing). Plus it cramped up my hand doing that. So it doesn't seem like it's a problem to use it two-handed.
I'm a two-handed phone user anyway. (Arthritis makes it hard for me to grip anything one handed.) I went from a tiny LG Optimus to a Galaxy S2 last year. At first it seems HUGE. Then you get used to the advantages of a large screen. Text is easier to read, games are easier to play, videos are prettier to see, and it's much easier to type with your whole fingertip instead of just a little tiny slip. I can easily one-handed type with Swype.

I do always like to hold the phone with the other hand for security reasons. I dropped my LG Optimus on the pavement once and killed the screen. I don't trust myself now. My S2 got a TPU cover and a wrist strap right away. My GNex will get the same before it leaves my house.

Once you get used to the larger screen, you start to hate the tiny iPhone screen. Besides the tinier screen, my biggest complaint about my iOS devices is the pinprick hunt-and-peck typing. It really only feels comfortable on the iPad when I can two-handed type like on the PC Keyboard. Since getting my Galaxy S2, I'll go into the mall's Apple store just to compare and mock the teeny tiny iPhones.

My sister was adamant she couldn't handle such a big phone. I was finally able to convince her to give Android a try because of the typing and other features. Her issue is having pudgy fingers. They make typing on an iPhone an exercise in futility. She picked up my phone and started playing with Swype without any instruction from me. It was instant love.

The Galaxy Nexus is almost identical to the Galaxy S2. Main difference is the OS (my S2 still has Gingerbread), and a much better screen on the GNex. The speaker seems quieter on the GNex and it lacks a lanyard loop hole (I need to create one on my TPU case). I also did have to install Swype on my GNex, but that was incredibly easy. So easy I installed a couple other keyboards for trial purposes. But the form factor of the phones is pretty much identical. If you want a better Samsung phone, you get the S3.

If you're worried about the larger 4-4.5" Android phones being too big, don't. They still easily fit in your pocket and the screens are just so much easier to see. Like I told my sis, if you want a decent Android phone you pretty much have to get one with a bigger screen. And you will be able to do so much more with an Android phone. Don't believe the crap iOS fanboys spout about Android being forked or crappy. My LG Optimus on Froyo had more functionality than my newly updated iOS devices this year. Gingerbread and up the OS just get even better and easier.
I have smallish hands, same size as my wife and I am for inches taller. I have no problem with the large phone. In fact, when I pick up my old d1 I wonder how the heck I used it.

This! This phone is a hair larger than my Bionic, but much more comfy to hold. You get used it real quick.
Friend of mine went from a 3GS to a Note and it only took her about a week to get used to it. And that's a huge jump in size.
I think it's going to be a non-issue after all. I got it today and it's just barely wider than my ipod touch in its flip case (and I use that thing way too much so I'm used to holding it). It is longer but the width would have been a bigger issue, I think. I did order a case for the nexus but it should fit snugly enough that it shouldn't matter much.
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