What is woman's rights? Is it equality? Well we don't have that in the USA or UK right now. If we are the guiding lights of freedom, why are at least 100,000-300,000 women and girls in slavery right now in the United States of America?
Women Suffer Modern Slavery - CBS News
Sex slaves, human trafficking ... in America? - TODAY People - TODAYshow.com
Men and women can never be equal, that is a fallacy. But we can be equal, fair, and right about all the issues that arise.
I am a woman, understand that. But I still don't get the same pay as men in my field. I understand why. If I get pregnant, by choice, mistake, or rape. I have to choose. If I have the child, I will be away from work for as little as 2 weeks and as much as 6 months. I will have to divide my time from work and child. My productivity will drop, my value will drop, and resources committed to the company will drop.
On the other hand if a man becomes a parent, chance are he will spend more time at work, work harder and produce more for the company. Which is one of the many reasons, men make more then women.
You can not make those two issues equal, you never could, but you can make it fair and right. Fair as in equal pay for equal work. Right as in you will not lose your job if you get pregnant.
Next topic is health insurance. Women, over there longer life, require more specialized medical care. But some insurance companies, including the insurance I currently have, will not cover medical care that is specialized for women. They can not discriminate monthly charges by sex, but they can just not offer or cover specialized care. Items like breast cancer screenings, gynecological exams, and some care for pregnancy are not covered. Why, because the insurance is equal and not fair or right.
Most women never show normal signs of heart attacks, which means a lot of doctors can not fully treat them for heart conditions, because they do not meet the requirements for it to be covered by their insurance. Insurance companies have requirements set in stone to see specialists. But the requirements for heart problems where set by male patients and the symptoms for female heart problems are completely different.
Bottom line, equality is not equal alone. Equality is fair, right, and equal. Because the social, cultural, and biological differences between men and women are so different, equal alone, will never produce equality.
If you made it this fair, here is the problem in a nutshell, please tell me how treating a man and a woman equal, as in not special treatments or guarantees for either side, will solve those issues?