Look, there is no conspiracy. The models have proved correct. The medium predictions proved correct. Worryingly so. Its common when people know things are going to shit for people to bury their heads int sand. To say the experts are wrong. To want to believe those in the pockets of the special interests over the good people. It happens at the end of every construction bubble. It happened with the ozone. With cigarettes. And now with the continued burning of dead compressed stuff for energy.
I sympathise with you to an extent but not to the extent that I think you are trying to do right. You are doing what is convenient for yourself. Being selfish.
Cite two examples of clear, unambiguous, unchallenged science that proves man made global warming is killing the planet.
Some cite increasing temperatures as proof. I cite the cold snaps here in Utah and elsewhere as proof that the accepted proof is not proof. Some say we are getting too hot while I shovel three or four inches of snow off my driveway and learn that global warming is why we are having more snow.
"We are ruining the planet with global warming." Well, why are winters so harsh, then?" "Well, it is because of global warming." By now, I often start looking for my gun and my extra bullet and spread poly on the floor so my family has an easier cleanup, because you cannot win this argument.
Some say the temperature has gone up X number of degrees, and I cite measurements in my backyard in the dead of winter being different depending on where I stand.
A local TV station cites measurements made by one of their staff climatologists as proof the temperatures are going up and I cite a local newspaper's reports about how the TV station's measurements were made; the thermometers were cheap glass ones and placed near vents on the roof.
Both say a few degrees globally is a problem; ten degrees over the next hundred years is a problem; I say when you are in Alaska and taking measurements in a snow field and they differ by a perhaps more than ten degrees, I worry about the people that swallow foolish un-scientific science as proof and how much the excess heat is causing damage in the logic region of the brain.
And then there is Al Gore that sells carbon offset credits that make it possible for companies that do not pollute to sell their credits to manufacturers that do, and those manufacturers can therefore "reduce" their carbon footprint on paper and either maintain business as usual or add more carbon and show reductions on paper.
It is all BS and not yet solved. We do not know much, we cannot know much because modeling climate is likely impossible. Many climatologists have an agenda driven recklessly forward by a clueless public and if it comes down to being green or loosing profits green this and that is no longer important.
People need to read and learn critical thinking skills.